[ovirt-devel] ERRORs in server.log ovirt 3.3.3 el6

Juan Hernandez jhernand at redhat.com
Fri Apr 25 15:11:48 UTC 2014

On 04/25/2014 03:35 PM, Sven Kieske wrote:
> root at server:~ > grep 'ERROR.*: Session already invalidated'
> /var/log/ovirt-engine/server.log | wc -l
> 177

Will, this is a low number compared to the total of errors. I would
assume that is due to tests from the browser. I won't focus on that as
we already know the root cause.

> root at server:~ > grep "ERROR" /var/log/ovirt-engine/server.log | wc -l
> 65796

This is more worrying. I would suggest to try to make a summary of the
different types of errors, so that we can focus on those that are more

> so there are plenty of other errors.
> I thank you for your answers.
> I'd like to go through all errors and eliminate them one by one
> either by fixing my setup/use or by reporting bugs / upgrading.
> But I'll need some help to interpret what goes wrong where.
> If someone is willing to commit the time, I can send full logs
> in private (19 MB atm).
> Am 25.04.2014 15:23, schrieb Juan Hernandez:
>> If you aren't using sessions then this shouldn't happen, unless you are
>> manually accessing the RESTAPI from the same browser where you are using
>> webadmin, in that case these errors will also happen from time to time,
>> but this shouldn't result in thousands of errors in the log. Can you see
>> how many of these you have?
>> # grep 'ERROR.*: Session already invalidated'
>> /var/log/ovirt-engine/server.log | wc -l

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