[ovirt-devel] oVirt.js PoC - Deep Dive

Vojtech Szocs vszocs at redhat.com
Mon Aug 18 17:40:35 UTC 2014

The following meeting has been modified:

Subject: oVirt.js PoC - Deep Dive 
Organizer: "Vojtech Szocs" <vszocs at redhat.com> 

Time: Wednesday, August 20, 2014, 2:00:00 PM - 4:00:00 PM GMT +01:00 Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
Invitees: devel at ovirt.org 


Hi guys, 

this session is a deep dive into oVirt.js Proof of Concept (PoC) 
announced recently [1,2] on users and devel mailing lists. 

Join this session to learn about oVirt.js library in relation to 
our plans to use Engine REST API within oVirt web applications. 

(If you're not an oVirt UI developer but still would like to work 
with Engine from within a JavaScript environment, this session is 
highly recommended for you as well!) 

I'll try to explain both oVirt.js and GWT wrapper projects - core 
concepts, API on examples, ideas behind current design, and most 
importantly, impact on existing oVirt web applications. 

This meeting will be held via BlueJeans: 


It's also possible to join via phone:

  1) Dial into BlueJeans:

  2) Enter Conference ID:

Slides will be provided before the session. 


[1] http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2014-June/025198.html 
[2] http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2014-June/007826.html 
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