[ovirt-devel] ovirt ssd local cache

yxu xuyao18 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 25 10:27:33 UTC 2014

Hi Everyone !

    Recently  I am reading some documents about vmeare virtual flash
splayKC&externalId=2058983>  and citrix IntelliCache
<http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX129052>  . I am wondering if we can
add some feature like that into ovirt .


Then I found something like bcache and flash cache. 


After changing some code , I tried bcache in an old version of ovirt node .
It works for just one node . 


But when I add another node to the data center, the problem occurred . 


When I write some data into node A, the data will be stored in node A's
cache and iscsi server.


But the cache of node B does not know the change . the data in node B's
cache still the old one.


In vmware's solution and citrix's solution , it seemed they have some way to
solve this problem .


Do you have any idea ?





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