[Engine-devel] [oVirt 3.4 Localization Question #10] "hotPlugUnplugCpuWarning"

Roy Golan rgolan at redhat.com
Tue Feb 18 10:53:02 UTC 2014

On 02/15/2014 12:19 PM, Yuko Katabami wrote:
> Hello again,
> I would like to ask for your help again with the following string.
> *
> File:*CommonApplicationMessages
> *Resource ID:*hotPlugUnplugCpuWarning*
> String:*Hot set CPUs by changing the number of sockets. The support 
> for hot plug/unplug CPUs to the guest varies.
> *Question:*The second sentence is a bit unclear for me. Could anyone 
> tell me "the support varies depending on what?"

It depends on the guest OS support.

> Is it the type or spec of the guest or host that determines the 
> support? So some support hot-set while others don't?

Well its even a bit more down to just the specific guest OS you're 
running on. e.g Windows 2008 server supports
hot plug but only the "Datacenter" flavor (or whatever this installation 
type is called)

So in respect to the definition of what Is or Not supported, its beyond 
oVirt Guest OS resolution.

> Is this a warning message to tell users that hot-set may not be supported?

Yes :( . If its lame improvement are welcome.

> Thanks in advance.
> Yuko
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