[ovirt-devel] [Documentation] Assistance Needed with User-Facing Documentation

Brian Proffitt bproffit at redhat.com
Thu Jul 10 19:09:15 UTC 2014


The Red Hat ECS team has made a great effort to convert some of the more important downstream documentation to a MediaWiki format that we can post on oVirt.org as an official set of user- and admin-facing documentation. This is being done as a bootstrapping effort to get our upstream documentation up to date and take a big step towards making the upstream documentation the canonical source for documentation in the near future.

Before that can happen, we need to get this RHEV-oriented information ported over to oVirt nomenclature and screenshots taken for oVirt and added to the documents as well.

I have placed the three guides

* Administration Guide[1]
* User's Guide[2]
* Installation Guide[3]

on the oVirt site as unlinked pages. General wording has been changed from RHEV to oVirt, but not always. Each of these documents must be reviewed and completely adapted to oVirt 3.4 before they can be posted as official documentation. Specifically:

* Review all text to ensure proper steps and descriptions for oVirt features and procedures
* Review all text to remove downstream-specific text
* Review all code for changes in package names on on-screen displays
* Replace all downstream RHEV screenshots with upstream oVirt 3.4 screenshots (Max width: 1024px)

I will be stepping through these documents to edit them in more detail under these guidelines, but help is most assuredly needed, in order to get this done in a timely manner. oVirt.org wiki users can visit these pages, review them, and add their changes. MediaWiki has limited version control, so it would be best to edit sections instead of entire documents, to minimize stepping on others' changes. Editing by section will also help us track the sections that have been edited, using the pages' histories. 

Thank you in advance for all of your help on this project... when finished, this will represent a significant improvement to oVirt's documentation, and make oVirt that much easier to use.


[1] http://www.ovirt.org/DraftAdministrationGuide
[2] http://www.ovirt.org/DraftUserGuide
[3] http://www.ovirt.org/DraftInstallationGuide

Brian Proffitt

oVirt Community Manager
Project Atomic Community Lead
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC

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