[Engine-devel] oVirt Engine 3.2 ReST API

Omer Frenkel ofrenkel at redhat.com
Tue Mar 11 12:26:36 UTC 2014

----- Original Message -----

> From: "Vikas Kokare" <vikaskokare at gmail.com>
> To: engine-devel at ovirt.org
> Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 12:11:41 PM
> Subject: [Engine-devel] oVirt Engine 3.2 ReST API

> As per the API documentation, the host cluster element "data_center id=" is
> both required at creation(exclamation in a triangle) as well as
> non-updatable(lock sign). Is it right to consider that, not only is this a
> required element, but it can't be changed and deleting(disassociation) is
> out of question?

> We have a RHEVM environment, where one such host cluster was created
> initially being associated to a data center. Later someone changed
> something, that resulted in the specific host cluster having no
> "data_center" element on it. Could it be that the association was deleted,
> or that the data_center itself was deleted, but the system didn't honor
> referential integrity, that it was being referred by other objects?

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it is possible to remove a data-center, even if it has clusters, 
as long there is no usage in the storage (vms, templates..) 
this makes the clusters to have no data-center, 
and then the cluster can be joined to a different data center (new/existing) 
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