[Engine-devel] Share Your Thoughts

Gilad Chaplik gchaplik at redhat.com
Sun Mar 23 12:06:01 UTC 2014

Dear Devel Community Members,

We are having a small discussion on patch: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/25633/,
bug 1065753 - "Maintenance operations on a VM would ask for an optional reason" (adding a note to stop/shutdown VM, that will be cleared when the VM go up).

The proposed solution is to add a free text field in the VM entity, and to update it in command's parameters (StopVmParmas.. etc.).

I think slightly different, my alternative is to enhance the current free text (comment field) into XML, and allow to add multiple comments that include types.
You are welcome to read more about it in the patch's comments.



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