[ovirt-devel] What should I do to understand ovirt from source code ?

Greg Sheremeta gshereme at redhat.com
Sun Jul 19 12:38:15 UTC 2015

Hi Luke,

oVirt is a huge project. I doubt there's anyone that understands every part
of the code.

Is there a specific part you're looking to learn more about? Do you have a
long-term goal -- like fixing bugs, changing screens, etc.?


On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 7:57 AM, 橡皮泥 <534038294 at qq.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone:
>     I am reading the source code of ovirt-engine these days, trying to
> figure out how it works at code level. But I am a rookie in open source
> world, and know just a little about j2ee web apps. So chanllages are
> everywhere and recently I just found that I could not continue reading the
> source code all alone, so I turn to you for help.
>     I'll deeply appreciate your sincere help if someone could tell me what
> should I do now. I mean that, to gain the capability to understand the
> source code, what kind of knowledge should I have, or, which books should I
> read ?  Should I build ovirt-engine from source code using maven first ?
>     P.S. I could program with java. And I've learned somthing about
> servelet, jsp and EJBs, but I'm not expert to them. I have an operating
> ovirt system. What's more, I've read a lot of documents about the
> architecture of ovirt, so I know it's modules from a very high view.
>     Thanks for your time, and it will be highly appreciated if you could
> offer me your precious advice.
> Luke
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Greg Sheremeta
Red Hat, Inc.
Sr. Software Engineer, RHEV
Cell: 919-807-1086
gshereme at redhat.com
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