[ovirt-devel] [oVirt 3.6 Localization Question #15] "Cannot change Cluster CPU to higher CPU type when there are active Hosts with lower CPU type."

Yuko Katabami ykatabam at redhat.com
Tue May 19 01:37:16 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I got the following question from another translator.
Could anyone provide explanation?

*File:*** AppErrors
*String:*** Cannot change Cluster CPU to higher CPU type when there are 
active Hosts with lower CPU type.
-Please move Hosts with lower CPU to maintenance first.
*Question:* In this string, it says Higher / Lower CPU types. What does 
this mean? CPU types are like Conroe, Penryn etc right?
Higher CPU means better performance or newer CPU?

Kind regards,


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