[ovirt-devel] ovirt-engine-sdk-python too slow

Nir Soffer nsoffer at redhat.com
Thu Nov 26 11:52:20 UTC 2015

Thanks John, very interesting results.

On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 3:17 AM, John Hunter <zhjwpku at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Juan,
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 2:15 AM, Juan Hernández <jhernand at redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> On 11/25/2015 06:45 PM, Nir Soffer wrote:
>> > $ ./profile-stats -c myscript.prof
>> >
>> > Wed Nov 25 10:40:11 2015    myscript.prof
>> >
>> >          7892315 function calls (7891054 primitive calls) in 7.940
>> seconds
>> >
>> >    Ordered by: internal time
>> >    List reduced from 1518 to 20 due to restriction <20>
>> >
>> >    ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
>> >      9086    2.693    0.000    6.706    0.001 inspect.py:247(getmembers)
>> >   1952494    1.394    0.000    1.880    0.000 inspect.py:59(isclass)
>> >      9092    1.030    0.000    1.030    0.000 {dir}
>> >   1952642    0.600    0.000    0.600    0.000 {getattr}
>> >   1972765    0.504    0.000    0.504    0.000 {isinstance}
>> >         3    0.334    0.111    0.334    0.111 {method 'perform' of
>> > 'pycurl.Curl' objects}
>> >   1883918    0.284    0.000    0.284    0.000 {method 'append' of 'list'
>> > objects}
>> >      9087    0.221    0.000    0.221    0.000 {method 'sort' of 'list'
>> > objects}
>> >      9051    0.172    0.000    6.911    0.001
>> > reflectionhelper.py:51(isModuleMember)
>> >         1    0.124    0.124    0.354    0.354 errors.py:17(<module>)
>> >         1    0.088    0.088    0.230    0.230 params.py:8(<module>)
>> >      8879    0.070    0.000    6.998    0.001 params.py:367(__setattr__)
>> >         1    0.047    0.047    5.182    5.182 api.py:23(<module>)
>> >         1    0.025    0.025    4.743    4.743 brokers.py:22(<module>)
>> >         1    0.023    0.023    0.030    0.030
>> > connectionspool.py:17(<module>)
>> >         1    0.022    0.022    0.053    0.053
>> > lxml.etree.pyx:1(PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_etree(void))
>> >       118    0.019    0.000    4.684    0.040 params.py:45277(__init__)
>> >         5    0.015    0.003    0.024    0.005 {built-in method strptime}
>> >         1    0.012    0.012    0.013    0.013 socket.py:45(<module>)
>> >        10    0.011    0.001    0.015    0.002
>> collections.py:288(namedtuple)
>> >
>> > So it is not the classes, it is the code inspecting them on import.
>> >
>> The script doesn't contain only the imports, it is also calling the
>> server, and we know parsing the result is slow, due to the excesive use
>> of "inspect", as I mentioned before:
>>   [RFE][performance] - generate large scale list running to slow.
>>   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1221238#c2
>> In the profiling information seems to corresponds to the script before
>> commenting out the part that lists all the VMs, as it looks like the
>> constructor of the VM class was called 21 times (you probably have 21
>> VMs):
>>   21 0.004 1.308
>> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/ovirtsdk/infrastructure/brokers.py:29139(VM)
>> Actually I only have one VM running on the server.
> This time it contains only the import in the script, not calling the
> server. It shows:
>         21    0.005    1.666  brokers.py:29139(VM)
> $./profile-stats -c myscript_contains_only_import.prof
> Thu Nov 26 09:11:59 2015    myscript_contains_only_import.prof
>          5453977 function calls (5452849 primitive calls) in 5.463 seconds
>    Ordered by: internal time
>    List reduced from 1083 to 20 due to restriction <20>
>    ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
>      7468    2.029    0.000    4.914    0.001 inspect.py:247(getmembers)
>   1348678    0.975    0.000    1.342    0.000 inspect.py:59(isclass)
>      7474    0.737    0.000    0.737    0.000 {dir}
>   1348825    0.433    0.000    0.433    0.000 {getattr}
>   1365970    0.383    0.000    0.383    0.000 {isinstance}
>   1293455    0.211    0.000    0.211    0.000 {method 'append' of 'list'
> objects}
>      7469    0.163    0.000    0.163    0.000 {method 'sort' of 'list'
> objects}
>      7434    0.139    0.000    5.082    0.001
> reflectionhelper.py:51(isModuleMember)
>      7670    0.061    0.000    5.158    0.001 params.py:367(__setattr__)
>         1    0.043    0.043    5.463    5.463 api.py:23(<module>)
>         1    0.042    0.042    0.139    0.139 errors.py:17(<module>)
>         1    0.027    0.027    5.248    5.248 brokers.py:22(<module>)
>         1    0.026    0.026    0.097    0.097 params.py:8(<module>)
>       118    0.023    0.000    5.187    0.044 params.py:45277(__init__)
>         1    0.018    0.018    0.025    0.025
> connectionspool.py:17(<module>)
>         1    0.013    0.013    0.013    0.013 socket.py:45(<module>)
>        10    0.010    0.001    0.013    0.001
> collections.py:288(namedtuple)
>     13637    0.009    0.000    0.009    0.000 {method 'lower' of 'str'
> objects}
>        35    0.009    0.000    0.035    0.001
> reflectionhelper.py:28(getClasses)
>    173/27    0.008    0.000    0.019    0.001 sre_parse.py:388(_parse)
>    Ordered by: internal time
>    List reduced from 1083 to 20 due to restriction <20>
> Function                                was called by...
>                                             ncalls  tottime  cumtime
> inspect.py:247(getmembers)              <-      35    0.009    0.022
>  reflectionhelper.py:28(getClasses)
>                                               7433    2.019    4.891
>  reflectionhelper.py:51(isModuleMember)
> inspect.py:59(isclass)                  <- 1348678    0.975    1.342
>  inspect.py:247(getmembers)
> {dir}                                   <-    7468    0.737    0.737
>  inspect.py:247(getmembers)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.000
>  os.py:35(_get_exports_list)
>                                                  4    0.000    0.000
>  ssl.py:111(_import_symbols)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.000
>  tokenize.py:23(<module>)
> {getattr}                               <-       1    0.000    0.000
>  <string>:1(<module>)
>                                                 19    0.000    0.000
>  abc.py:86(__new__)
>                                                 48    0.000    0.000
>  abc.py:89(<genexpr>)
>                                                  8    0.000    0.000
>  abc.py:148(__subclasscheck__)
>                                                  5    0.000    0.000
>  functools.py:17(update_wrapper)
>                                            1348678    0.433    0.433
>  inspect.py:247(getmembers)
>                                                 16    0.000    0.000
>  socket.py:45(<module>)
>                                                 50    0.000    0.000
>  ssl.py:111(_import_symbols)
> {isinstance}                            <-       1    0.000    0.000
>  __init__.py:49(normalize_encoding)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.000
>  __init__.py:71(search_function)
>                                                  8    0.000    0.000
>  abc.py:105(register)
>                                                 10    0.000    0.000
>  collections.py:288(namedtuple)
>                                            1348678    0.367    0.367
>  inspect.py:59(isclass)
>                                              15576    0.015    0.015
>  params.py:367(__setattr__)
>                                                 24    0.000    0.000
>  re.py:230(_compile)
>                                                 60    0.000    0.000
>  sre_compile.py:546(isstring)
>                                               1608    0.001    0.001
>  sre_parse.py:139(__getitem__)
>                                                  4    0.000    0.000
>  warnings.py:46(filterwarnings)
> {method 'append' of 'list' objects}     <- 1288934    0.210    0.210
>  inspect.py:247(getmembers)
>                                                  8    0.000    0.000
>  opcode.py:5(<module>)
>                                                 11    0.000    0.000
>  opcode.py:31(name_op)
>                                                  6    0.000    0.000
>  opcode.py:35(jrel_op)
>                                                  6    0.000    0.000
>  opcode.py:39(jabs_op)
>                                               2294    0.001    0.001
>  sre_compile.py:64(_compile)
>                                                575    0.000    0.000
>  sre_compile.py:228(_compile_charset)
>                                                416    0.000    0.000
>  sre_compile.py:256(_optimize_charset)
>                                                132    0.000    0.000
>  sre_compile.py:433(_compile_info)
>                                                 24    0.000    0.000
>  sre_compile.py:552(_code)
>                                                 60    0.000    0.000
>  sre_parse.py:72(opengroup)
>                                                485    0.000    0.000
>  sre_parse.py:147(append)
>                                                175    0.000    0.000
>  sre_parse.py:310(_parse_sub)
>                                                329    0.000    0.000
>  sre_parse.py:388(_parse)
> {method 'sort' of 'list' objects}       <-       1    0.000    0.000
>  base64.py:3(<module>)
>                                               7468    0.163    0.163
>  inspect.py:247(getmembers)
> reflectionhelper.py:51(isModuleMember)  <-    7434    0.139    5.082
>  params.py:367(__setattr__)
> params.py:367(__setattr__)              <-     236    0.003    0.206
>  params.py:6749(__init__)
>                                                944    0.007    0.571
>  params.py:6836(__init__)
>                                               6490    0.051    4.381
>  params.py:45277(__init__)
> api.py:23(<module>)                     <-       1    0.043    5.463
>  myscript_contains_only_import.py:3(<module>)
> errors.py:17(<module>)                  <-       1    0.042    0.139
>  api.py:23(<module>)
> brokers.py:22(<module>)                 <-       1    0.027    5.248
>  api.py:23(<module>)
> params.py:8(<module>)                   <-       1    0.026    0.097
>  errors.py:17(<module>)
> params.py:45277(__init__)               <-       1    0.000    0.007
>  brokers.py:256(Cluster)
>                                                  3    0.000    0.022
>  brokers.py:988(ClusterGlusterHook)
>                                                 12    0.001    0.090
>  brokers.py:1228(ClusterGlusterVolume)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.008
>  brokers.py:1631(ClusterGlusterVolumeGlusterBrick)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.011
>  brokers.py:3183(DataCenter)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.011
>  brokers.py:3271(DataCenterCluster)
>                                                  3    0.000    0.038
>  brokers.py:3999(DataCenterClusterGlusterHook)
>                                                 12    0.002    0.155
>  brokers.py:4234(DataCenterClusterGlusterVolume)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.013
>  brokers.py:4594(DataCenterClusterGlusterVolumeGlusterBrick)
>                                                  2    0.002    0.050
>  brokers.py:9475(DataCenterStorageDomain)
>                                                  3    0.000    0.073
>  brokers.py:9578(DataCenterStorageDomainDisk)
>                                                  3    0.000    0.079
>  brokers.py:10455(Disk)
>                                                  2    0.000    0.061
>  brokers.py:11899(ExternalHostProvider)
>                                                 15    0.003    0.546
>  brokers.py:13663(Host)
>                                                  2    0.001    0.095
>  brokers.py:15163(HostNIC)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.045
>  brokers.py:15634(HostNICs)
>                                                  2    0.000    0.104
>  brokers.py:18386(Job)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.050
>  brokers.py:18464(JobStep)
>                                                  2    0.000    0.104
>  brokers.py:20102(OpenStackImageProvider)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.052
>  brokers.py:20371(OpenStackImageProviderOpenStackImage)
>                                                  2    0.000    0.106
>  brokers.py:20641(OpenStackNetworkProvider)
>                                                  2    0.000    0.109
>  brokers.py:21324(OpenStackVolumeProvider)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.063
>  brokers.py:23499(StorageConnection)
>                                                  2    0.001    0.125
>  brokers.py:23706(StorageDomain)
>                                                  3    0.001    0.173
>  brokers.py:23871(StorageDomainDisk)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.060
>  brokers.py:24962(StorageDomainImage)
>                                                  2    0.000    0.125
>  brokers.py:25499(StorageDomainTemplate)
>                                                  2    0.000    0.138
>  brokers.py:25857(StorageDomainVM)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.076
>  brokers.py:26550(Template)
>                                                  3    0.001    0.227
>  brokers.py:26852(TemplateDisk)
>                                               *  21    0.005    1.666
>  brokers.py:29139(VM)*
>                                                  5    0.001    0.375
>  brokers.py:30244(VMDisk)
>                                                  2    0.000    0.146
>  brokers.py:31461(VMNIC)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.088
>  brokers.py:32478(VMSnapshot)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.096
>  brokers.py:34300(VmPool)
> connectionspool.py:17(<module>)         <-       1    0.018    0.025
>  api.py:23(<module>)
> socket.py:45(<module>)                  <-       1    0.013    0.013
>  urllib.py:23(<module>)
> collections.py:288(namedtuple)          <-       6    0.005    0.007
>  inspect.py:25(<module>)
>                                                  2    0.003    0.003
>  ssl.py:88(<module>)
>                                                  2    0.002    0.003
>  urlparse.py:29(<module>)
> {method 'lower' of 'str' objects}       <-    6202    0.004    0.004
>  reflectionhelper.py:28(getClasses)
>                                               7434    0.006    0.006
>  reflectionhelper.py:51(isModuleMember)
>                                                  1    0.000    0.000
>  socket.py:45(<module>)
> reflectionhelper.py:28(getClasses)      <-      35    0.009    0.035
>  reflectionhelper.py:51(isModuleMember)
> sre_parse.py:388(_parse)                <-  173/27    0.008    0.019
>  sre_parse.py:310(_parse_sub)
>> > Nir
>> >
>> > On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 7:49 AM, John Hunter <zhjwpku at gmail.com
>> > <mailto:zhjwpku at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> >
>> >     Hi Nir,
>> >
>> >     Attachment is my script and its profile.
>> >     Thanks a lot about your help!
>> >
>> >     On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 5:49 AM, Nir Soffer <nsoffer at redhat.com
>> >     <mailto:nsoffer at redhat.com>> wrote:
>> >
>> >         On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 3:49 PM, John Hunter <zhjwpku at gmail.com
>> >         <mailto:zhjwpku at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >             On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 9:15 PM, Juan Hernández
>> >             <jhernand at redhat.com <mailto:jhernand at redhat.com>> wrote:
>> >
>> >                 On 11/24/2015 01:40 PM, John Hunter wrote:
>> >                 > Hi,
>> >                 >
>> >                 > On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 5:18 PM, Oved Ourfali <
>> oourfali at redhat.com <mailto:oourfali at redhat.com>
>> >                 > <mailto:oourfali at redhat.com <mailto:
>> oourfali at redhat.com>>> wrote:
>> >                 >
>> >                 >     Hi
>> >                 >
>> >                 >     I discussed it with Juan (cc-ed).
>> >                 >
>> >                 >     There used to be a bug in the JDBC authenticion
>> extension that
>> >                 >     artificially delayed RESTAPI responses by 5
>> seconds:
>> >                 >
>> >                 >       brute force prevention login delay should not
>> be applied to successful
>> >                 >     login requests
>> >                 >       https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1255814
>> >                 >
>> >                 >     That matches the description of the issue, but in
>> theory it has been
>> >                 >     fixed. I would suggest him to check that he is
>> using the right version
>> >                 >     of the extension.
>> >                 >
>> >                 > I did not use the extension
>> ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-jdbc, and I don't
>> >                 > think this bug matches my problem, because even there
>> is only one line
>> >                 > in the python script, it still cost like 3 seconds, I
>> don't think this is a
>> >                 > reasonable time as when I import other package, it
>> cost almost no time.
>> >                 >
>> >                 > Can you explain why this import line costs so much
>> time?
>> >                 >
>> >
>> >                 If you are using 3.6 then you are using
>> >                 ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-jdbc,
>> >                 as it is enabled by default, but looks like it isn't
>> >                 related to your
>> >                 problem.
>> >
>> >                 That line takes a long time to execute because it has to
>> >                 process two
>> >                 large Python modules: the "params" module that contains
>> >                 a class per each
>> >                 type used by the API (393 classes) and the "brokers"
>> >                 module that
>> >                 contains a class per each resource used by the API (358
>> >                 classes). That
>> >                 makes a total of 751 classes. In my environment it takes
>> >                 0.9 seconds,
>> >                 approx. You may want to use the python profile in your
>> >                 environment and
>> >                 share the results:
>> >
>> >                 $ cat > profile.py <<.
>> >                 import cProfile
>> >                 cProfile.run("from ovirtsdk.api import API")
>> >                 .
>> >
>> >                 $ python profile.py
>> >
>> >                 I won't be surprised to see this taking those 3 seconds
>> >                 in a slower
>> >                 environment.
>> >
>> >                 But even if this takes those 3 seconds it shouldn't be a
>> >                 big problem,
>> >                 because you shouldn't be running that "from ... import
>> >                 ..." line
>> >                 frequently. Your program should do this once only, when
>> >                 it starts.
>> >
>> >             Assume that I have two functions to implement, one is to
>> >             list all the vms belong
>> >             to the user, and the other is to retrieve one vm's
>> >             virt-viewer connection file, as
>> >             far as I can see, I have to write two python scripts and
>> >             import the ovirtsdk.api in both
>> >             scripts, each script has to take the 3 seconds :(
>> >
>> >
>> >         No, you have two functions, which can be in the same module, or
>> >         in different modules, depending on how you want to organize your
>> >         code.
>> >
>> >         Python imports are done only once, on the first time you import
>> >         a module anywhere. The module is stored in sys.modules, and the
>> >         next import fetch the module object from sys.modules.
>> >
>> >         Can you share a profile of a simple script importing the Python
>> sdk?
>> >
>> >         Do:
>> >
>> >             python -m cProfile -o myscript.prof myscript.py
>> >
>> >         The profile will be stored in myscript.prof.
>> >
>> >         For viewing the profile, I recommend to use the profile-stats
>> tool:
>> >         https://github.com/oVirt/vdsm/blob/master/contrib/profile-stats
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >             How can I run the "from ... import ..." just once ?
>> >
>> >
>> >                 >
>> >                 >     In addition we also know that retrieving large
>> lists of objects with the
>> >                 >     SDK is slow:
>> >                 >
>> >                 >        [RFE][performance] - generate large scale list
>> running to slow.
>> >                 >        https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1221238
>> >                 >
>> >                 >     We don't have a solution for that yet.
>> >                 >
>> >                 >     CC-ing Juan in case you have additional questions.
>> >                 >
>> >                 >
>> >                 >     On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 11:27 AM, John Hunter <
>> zhjwpku at gmail.com <mailto:zhjwpku at gmail.com>
>> >                 >     <mailto:zhjwpku at gmail.com <mailto:
>> zhjwpku at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>> >                 >
>> >                 >         Hi guys,
>> >                 >
>> >                 >         I am using the ovirt-engine-sdk-python to
>> communicate with the
>> >                 >         ovirt-engine,
>> >                 >         I am ok to list the vms but the processing
>> time is too long,
>> >                 >         like 4.5 seconds,
>> >                 >         and this line:
>> >                 >             from ovirtsdk.api import API
>> >                 >         take almost 3 seconds.
>> >                 >
>> >                 >         This seems a little bit longer than I
>> expected it to be, so I am
>> >                 >         asking is there
>> >                 >         a quicker way to communicate with the
>> ovirt-engine?
>> >                 >
>> >
>> --
>> Dirección Comercial: C/Jose Bardasano Baos, 9, Edif. Gorbea 3, planta
>> 3ºD, 28016 Madrid, Spain
>> Inscrita en el Reg. Mercantil de Madrid – C.I.F. B82657941 - Red Hat S.L.
> --
> Best regards
> Junwang Zhao
> Department of Computer Science &Technology
> Peking University
> Beijing, 100871, PRC
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