[ovirt-devel] [ANN] new gerrit policy for old patches

Eyal Edri eedri at redhat.com
Tue Sep 8 19:15:04 UTC 2015


Some of you might have gotten emails today from gerrit, asking you to
update 300(!) days old patches that probably are not relevant anymore.

the infra team will run a weekly gerrit cleaner that will abandon very old
patches (now its set on 600) and will warn on 300 days old patches.

the threshold will reduce to 400/200 in a week or two.

The final threshold isn't determined yet, and will probably be decided
according to status of patches in gerrit.

What you need to do?
 - go over your patches, whether you got nudge email or not and abandon
anything that isn't relevant or update / rebase relevant patches.

Eyal Edri
Supervisor, RHEV CI
EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Red Hat Israel

phone: +972-9-7692018
irc: eedri (on #tlv #rhev-dev #rhev-integ)
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