[ovirt-devel] Abandoning old patches

Allon Mureinik amureini at redhat.com
Sat Sep 5 10:18:10 UTC 2015

Hi guys,

Gerrit is our front yard, and we'd like to keep it clean, tidy, and
welcoming to newcommers.

We have a jenkins job waiting to act as a roomba just waiting to be
switched on (thanks Eyal!).
It will send out an email about patches being stale for over 300 days and
will force abandon patches stale over 600 old.

What we need you to do:
Go over your patches and make sure you haven't missed anything. If you have
a path that old that for some obscure reason still has merit, just comment
on it that it's still relevant to bump its last modification date (or
better yet - answer the review, rebase it, and push for it to get merged).

To search for such patches, you can use the "status:open age:300d" search
string in gerrit.
So, e.g, for your own patches, you could use "status:open age:300d
owner:self", or as a quick link:

Your friendly neighbourhood cleanup patrol
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