[ovirt-devel] Add a local drive to Ovirt

Sven Kieske svenkieske at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 17:52:18 UTC 2016

On 18.04.2016 17:07, Bryan Hughes wrote:
> All,
> I am trying to add a physical drive to Ovirt.  For instance, my physical machine has 3 extra hard drives attached and I want to add it directly instead of through Gluster or iSCSI.  Is this possible?
> I tried using POSIX by creating an xfs filesystem on /dev/sde1 and tried to add that as a POSIX datastore but it fails in trying to mount the filesystem.
> Any help is appreciated.

I guess you're looking for this feature:


however you need to do this via a shared DC type as mentioned in the
above link.

Some bugs tracking this feature are mentioned here:


However I'm not quite sure if this is fully implemented yet..

kind regards


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