[ovirt-devel] Strange issues with com.google.gwt.i18n.client.Messages.AlternateMessage [bz#1358837]
Ramesh Nachimuthu
rnachimu at redhat.com
Mon Aug 1 08:19:06 UTC 2016
On 07/29/2016 08:28 PM, Vojtech Szocs wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Scott Dickerson" <sdickers at redhat.com>
>> To: "Vojtech Szocs" <vszocs at redhat.com>
>> Cc: "Alexander Wels" <awels at redhat.com>, "Ramesh Nachimuthu" <rnachimu at redhat.com>, "devel" <devel at ovirt.org>
>> Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 6:27:44 PM
>> Subject: Re: Strange issues with com.google.gwt.i18n.client.Messages.AlternateMessage [bz#1358837]
>> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 11:19 AM, Vojtech Szocs <vszocs at redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Ramesh,
>>> this issue seems to be related with removal of @DefaultMessage annotations,
>>> moving the default (English) strings into corresponding .properties files.
>> Apparently if both properties file definitions and annotations are
>> connected to the same message method, the properties version takes
>> precidence. I wasn't sure if this applied to alternate messages, but your
>> problem clearly shows that it does.
>>> As we generally want default strings to reside in .properties files, I see
>>> following options to explore, based on our earlier conversation:
>>> 1, try annotating UIMessages interface with:
>>> @Generate(format = "com.google.gwt.i18n.server.PropertyCatalogFactory")
>>> - ref:
>>> https://github.com/gwtproject/gwt/issues/7032#issuecomment-110858030
>>> - this is likely non-feasible, however, since @Generate requests
>>> generation
>>> of translation sources (.properties) from Java code
>>> 2, try removing @AlternateMessage annotation and modify .properties file:
>>> recurrenceType=Incorrect enum
>>> recurrenceType[UNKNOWN]=None
>>> recurrenceType[INTERVAL]=Minute
>>> recurrenceType[HOURLY]=Hourly
>>> recurrenceType[DAILY]=Daily
>>> recurrenceType[WEEKLY]=Weekly
>>> recurrenceType[MONTHLY]=Monthly
>>> - ref:
>>> http://www.gwtproject.org/doc/latest/DevGuideI18nPluralForms.html
>>> - this might not work as it might be @PluralCount-only (not for @Select)
>> I just tried this alternate messages in properties file technique and it
>> will work.
> I'm actually surprised that it works for @Select annotation.
> I didn't see that mentioned anywhere in GWT docs, note that ^^ ref link
> covers the @PluralCount annotation only. No mention of @Select anywhere.
> I agree with others - if it works, let's use that for now.
>> UIMessages.java:
>> String recurrenceType(@Messages.Select
>> GlusterVolumeSnapshotScheduleRecurrence recurrence);
>> UIMessage.properties:
>> recurrenceType=Incorrect enum
>> recurrenceType[UNKNOWN]=None
>> recurrenceType[INTERVAL]=Minute
>> recurrenceType[HOURLY]=Hourly
>> recurrenceType[DAILY]=Daily
>> recurrenceType[WEEKLY]=Weekly
>> recurrenceType[MONTHLY]=Monthly
>> The generated code looks like this:
>> public java.lang.String
>> recurrenceType(org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.GlusterVolumeSnapshotScheduleRecurrence
>> arg0) {
>> java.lang.String returnVal = null;
>> int arg0_ordinal = -1;
>> if (arg0 != null) {
>> arg0_ordinal = arg0.ordinal();
>> }
>> switch (arg0_ordinal) {
>> case 2: // DAILY
>> returnVal = "Daily";
>> break;
>> case 1: // HOURLY
>> returnVal = "Hourly";
>> break;
>> case 0: // INTERVAL
>> returnVal = "Minute";
>> break;
>> case 4: // MONTHLY
>> returnVal = "Monthly";
>> break;
>> case 5: // UNKNOWN
>> returnVal = "None";
>> break;
>> case 3: // WEEKLY
>> returnVal = "Weekly";
>> break;
>> }
>> if (returnVal != null) {
>> return returnVal;
>> }
>> return "Incorrect enum";
>> }
>>> 3, remove @AlternateMessage & handle enum-to-string formatting on our own
>>> String sizeUnitString(String size, @Messages.Select
>>> SizeConverter.SizeUnit sizeUnit);
>>> becomes
>>> String sizeUnitString(String size, String sizeUnitValue);
>>> String recurrenceType(@Select GlusterVolumeSnapshotScheduleRecurrence
>>> recurrence);
>>> gets removed, because there is no point in having "{0}" message
>>> getMessages().sizeUnitString(size, sizeUnit);
>>> becomes
>>> getMessages().sizeUnitString(size, <someUtility>(sizeUnit));
>>> getMessages().recurrenceType(recurrence);
>>> becomes
>>> <someUtility>(recurrence);
>>> Personally, I think 3, is the most correct solution. As Alex wrote below,
>>> we're planning to switch away from GWT i18n mechanism in the long-term;
>>> relying on @AlternateMessage etc. is therefore an obstacle to that effort.
>> Option 2 is the most expedient and least intrusive. As a bonus, those
>> alternate strings will be pushed out to the translators without having to
>> do additional work/changes.
> We already have infra for localizing enums, so it's technically duplicate
> to that effort. But I agree that it's less intrusive and only needed for
> 3 cases where we use @Select, so I'm OK with that.
> In the long term, we should stop using GWT i18n annotations like @Select.
Thanks Vojtech. Considering the long term plan and effort involved now I
have implemented the option 3 and posted the patch
https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/61749/. Please help me with review :-)
>>> Also, we already have infra for localizing enum members: LocalizedEnums
>>> So as part of solution 3, we should add into LocalizedEnums:
>>> String GlusterVolumeSnapshotScheduleRecurrence___INTERVAL();
>>> String GlusterVolumeSnapshotScheduleRecurrence___HOURLY();
>>> String GlusterVolumeSnapshotScheduleRecurrence___DAILY();
>>> String GlusterVolumeSnapshotScheduleRecurrence___WEEKLY();
>>> String GlusterVolumeSnapshotScheduleRecurrence___MONTHLY();
>>> String GlusterVolumeSnapshotScheduleRecurrence___UNKNOWN();
>>> plus add corresponding strings in LocalizedEnums.properties file.
>>> This way, we can leverage existing EnumTranslator#translate method.
>>> By doing so, <someUtility> mentioned above === EnumTranslator#translate
>>> Regards,
>>> Vojtech
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Alexander Wels" <awels at redhat.com>
>>>> To: "Ramesh Nachimuthu" <rnachimu at redhat.com>
>>>> Cc: "devel" <devel at ovirt.org>, "Vojtech Szocs" <vszocs at redhat.com>,
>>> "Scott Dickerson" <sdickers at redhat.com>
>>>> Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 2:21:23 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: Strange issues with
>>> com.google.gwt.i18n.client.Messages.AlternateMessage [bz#1358837]
>>>> On Thursday, July 28, 2016 05:49:57 AM Ramesh Nachimuthu wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> We have a strange issue with the
>>>>> com.google.gwt.i18n.client.Messages.AlternateMessage in
>>> UIMessages.java. We
>>>>> have defined some alternate messages using @Messages.Select with
>>> Enums. But
>>>>> its doesn't work any more.
>>>>> We have following messages in the UIMessages.java.
>>>>> @Messages.AlternateMessage(value = { "UNKNOWN" , "None" ,
>>> "INTERVAL" ,
>>>>> "Minute" , "HOURLY" , "Hourly" , "DAILY" , "Daily" , "WEEKLY" ,
>>> "Weekly" ,
>>>>> "MONTHLY" , "Monthly" }) String recurrenceType(@Messages.Select
>>>>> GlusterVolumeSnapshotScheduleRecurrence recurrence);
>>>>> @Messages.AlternateMessage(value = { "BYTES" , "{0} B" , "KiB" ,
>>> "{0}
>>>>> KiB" , "MiB" , "{0} MiB" , "GiB" , "{0} GiB" , "TiB" , "{0} TiB" })
>>> String
>>>>> sizeUnitString(String size, @Messages.Select
>>>>> SizeConverter.SizeUnit sizeUnit);
>>>>> But the generated UIMessages_.java doesn't use any of the enum
>>> conditions.
>>>>> public java.lang.String
>>> recurrenceType(org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.Gluste
>>>>> rVolumeSnapshotScheduleRecurrence arg0) { java.lang.String returnVal =
>>>>> null;
>>>>> int arg0_ordinal = -1;
>>>>> if (arg0 != null) {
>>>>> arg0_ordinal = arg0.ordinal();
>>>>> }
>>>>> if (returnVal != null) {
>>>>> return returnVal;
>>>>> }
>>>>> return "Incorrect enum";
>>>>> }
>>>>> public java.lang.String sizeUnitString(java.lang.String
>>>>> arg0,org.ovirt.engine.core.common.utils.SizeConverter.SizeUnit arg1) {
>>>>> java.lang.String returnVal = null;
>>>>> int arg1_ordinal = -1;
>>>>> if (arg1 != null) {
>>>>> arg1_ordinal = arg1.ordinal();
>>>>> }
>>>>> if (returnVal != null) {
>>>>> return returnVal;
>>>>> }
>>>>> return arg0 + " TiB";
>>>>> }
>>>>> It used to work earlier. Is there any known issue in the current GWT
>>>>> Version? or Am I missing something?.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Ramesh
>>>> We have an active project to remove all the annotations from the Messages
>>>> interfaces in the project. I am guessing that is probably the cause of
>>> your
>>>> problems. I am fairly certain there is an alternative to the annotations
>>> now,
>>>> but I don't know of the top of my head. Scott can you give them the
>>> details?
>>>> Alexander
>> Regards,
>> Scott
>> --
>> Scott Dickerson
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> RHEV-M Engineering - UX Team
>> Red Hat, Inc
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