[ovirt-devel] gerrit.ovirt.org migration

Shlomo Ben David sbendavi at redhat.com
Sun Jul 10 15:28:57 UTC 2016

Hi All,

The gerrit.ovirt.org migration process completed successfully.
The server is up and running.

Best Regards,

Shlomi Ben-David | Software Engineer | Red Hat ISRAEL
IRC: shlomibendavid (on #rhev-integ, #rhev-dev, #rhev-ci)

OPEN SOURCE - 1 4 011 && 011 4 1

On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 5:35 PM, Shlomo Ben David <sbendavi at redhat.com>

> Hi All,
> Today we are planning to migrate gerrit.ovirt.org server to a new bigger
> instance on Amazon to improve performance.
>    - The migration will start at 18:00 IDT
>    - Estimate migration end time 19:00 IDT.
>    - During the migration the server will not be available (you won't be
>    able to send patches or review code)
>    - The server will be down for about an hour, but if we'll be able to
>    restore it before we'll let you know.
>    - An email will be sent at the end of the migration process.
> Best Regards,
> Shlomi Ben-David | Software Engineer | Red Hat ISRAEL
> Phone: +972-54-8008858
> IRC: shlomibendavid (on #rhev-integ, #rhev-dev, #rhev-ci)
> OPEN SOURCE - 1 4 011 && 011 4 1
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