[ovirt-devel] Blog post: Monitoring Improvements in oVirt

emarcian emarcian at redhat.com
Mon Jul 25 10:14:14 UTC 2016

Hi Arik,

Very nice output..

see also our mojo page:


can you elaborate how did you rampup 6K vms?

also can you elaborate the following:

- HW definition?

- java HEAP Size?

- any postgres tuning ?

we are about to scale out the latest 4.0 RHEVM

any relevant changes that we should aware of?


On 07/24/2016 05:15 PM, Arik Hadas wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wrote a blog post that summarizes the recent improvements in the code that monitors virtual machines in oVirt.
> It describes the changes that were done and shows a comparison of different aspects of oVirt with these changes
> (based on the master branch) vs oVirt 3.6 without these changes:
> http://ahadas.github.io/monitoring-improvements-in-ovirt/
> It is mostly a technical post.
> However, users might find it interesting as well.
> Note that the measurements were taken on an environment with 1 host and 6000 running VMs (in a pool).
> Each VM had a network interface and was diskless.
> Obviously, this is not a typical setup but it was useful to easily expose some of weak sides of the monitoring.
> Your feedback is always welcome!
> Regards,
> Arik
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