[ovirt-devel] [lago-devel] ovirt tests failing on missing libxml2-python

Yaniv Kaul ykaul at redhat.com
Wed Jun 29 14:45:24 EDT 2016

On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Barak Korren <bkorren at redhat.com> wrote:

> >
> >
> > It means that packages will be fetched EVERY time from outside, which
> may be
> > slow(er).
> > Y.
> >
> We can (and mostly already have) setup simple caches to prevent that.

How do you set up cache on a developer's laptop?

> AFAIK CI slaves are cleaned every time anyway, so in practice there
> wouldn`t be much difference except we will have less hard-coding and
> perhaps be more efficient (are we certain we only download what we
> need atm?)

The repo directory does not need to be cleaned every time. It can also be
resync'ed from a central repo - which still going to be faster than any
other fetching.
(hopefully sync'ed into the slave /dev/shm btw).

> The existing solution looks more like premature optimization gone badly
> IMO.

Try to run ovirt-system-tests, clean the repo and re-run - it's 20-30
minutes at least longer - which is far more than what it takes to run the
whole test suite.

I completely agree the manual maintenance is an annoyance, wish we had
something in between.

> --
> Barak Korren
> bkorren at redhat.com
> RHEV-CI Team
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