[ovirt-devel] New network test failure

Nir Soffer nsoffer at redhat.com
Tue May 24 23:22:12 UTC 2016

Seen on http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/vdsm_master_check-patch-el7-x86_64/2110/console

23:14:06 ======================================================================
23:14:06 FAIL: testDisablePromisc (network.ipwrapper_test.TestDrvinfo)
23:14:06 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
23:14:06 Traceback (most recent call last):
23:14:06   File
line 149, in testDisablePromisc
23:14:06     "Could not disable promiscuous mode.")
23:14:06 AssertionError: Could not disable promiscuous mode.
23:14:06 -------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
23:14:06 2016-05-24 19:13:55,290 DEBUG   [root] (MainThread)
/usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /usr/sbin/brctl show (cwd None)
23:14:06 2016-05-24 19:13:55,299 DEBUG   [root] (MainThread) SUCCESS:
<err> = ''; <rc> = 0
23:14:06 2016-05-24 19:13:55,299 DEBUG   [root] (MainThread)
/usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/ip link add name vdsm-e7qi5w
type bridge (cwd None)
23:14:06 2016-05-24 19:13:55,309 DEBUG   [root] (MainThread) SUCCESS:
<err> = ''; <rc> = 0
23:14:06 2016-05-24 19:13:55,309 DEBUG   [root] (MainThread)
/usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/ip link set dev vdsm-e7qi5w up
(cwd None)
23:14:06 2016-05-24 19:13:55,318 DEBUG   [root] (MainThread) SUCCESS:
<err> = ''; <rc> = 0
23:14:06 2016-05-24 19:13:55,319 DEBUG   [root] (MainThread)
/usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/ip link set dev vdsm-e7qi5w
promisc on (cwd None)
23:14:06 2016-05-24 19:13:55,327 DEBUG   [root] (MainThread) SUCCESS:
<err> = ''; <rc> = 0
23:14:06 2016-05-24 19:13:55,328 DEBUG   [root] (MainThread)
/usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/ip link set dev vdsm-e7qi5w
promisc off (cwd None)
23:14:06 2016-05-24 19:13:55,335 DEBUG   [root] (MainThread) SUCCESS:
<err> = ''; <rc> = 0
23:14:06 --------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

Smells like broken test, all the ip commands succeeded - are we
waiting for events


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