[ovirt-devel] [VDSM] Tests failing because of ordering dependencies

Nir Soffer nsoffer at redhat.com
Wed Oct 12 18:14:11 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Trying to run vdsm tests via tox (so correct nose is used automatically),
some of the tests fail.

The failure are all about ordering expectations, which look wrong.

Please check and fix your tests.



18:04:10 ======================================================================
18:04:10 FAIL: test_parseVolumeStatus (gluster_cli_tests.GlusterCliTests)
18:04:10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
18:04:10 Traceback (most recent call last):
18:04:10   File
line 1121, in test_parseVolumeStatus
18:04:10     self._parseVolumeStatusClients_test()
18:04:10   File
line 449, in _parseVolumeStatusClients_test
18:04:10     self.assertEquals(status.keys(), ['bricks', 'name'])

status.keys() order is not undefined.

18:04:10 AssertionError: Lists differ: ['name', 'bricks'] != ['bricks', 'name']
18:04:10 First differing element 0:
18:04:10 name
18:04:10 bricks
18:04:10 - ['name', 'bricks']
18:04:10 + ['bricks', 'name']
18:04:10 ======================================================================
18:04:10 FAIL: testSetPolicyParameters (momTests.MomPolicyTests)
18:04:10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
18:04:10 Traceback (most recent call last):
18:04:10   File
line 118, in testSetPolicyParameters
18:04:10     self.assertEqual(api.last_policy_content, expected)
18:04:10 AssertionError: "(set a 5)\n(set b True)\n(set c 'test')" !=
"(set a 5)\n(set c 'test')\n(set b True)"

Nothing obvious, need deeper checking.

18:04:10 -------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
18:04:10 2016-10-12 18:01:56,902 INFO    (MainThread) [MOM] Preparing
MOM interface (momIF:49)
18:04:10 2016-10-12 18:01:56,903 INFO    (MainThread) [MOM] Using
named unix socket /tmp/tmpqOQZvm/test_mom_vdsm.sock (momIF:58)
18:04:10 --------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------
18:04:10 ======================================================================
18:04:10 FAIL: test_disk_virtio_cache (vmStorageTests.DriveXMLTests)
18:04:10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
18:04:10 Traceback (most recent call last):
18:04:10   File
line 84, in test_disk_virtio_cache
18:04:10     self.check(vm_conf, conf, xml, is_block_device=False)
18:04:10   File
line 222, in check
18:04:10     self.assertXMLEqual(drive.getXML().toxml(), xml)
18:04:10   File
line 253, in assertXMLEqual
18:04:10     (actualXML, expectedXML))
18:04:10 AssertionError: XMLs are different:
18:04:10 Actual:
18:04:10 <disk device="disk" snapshot="no" type="file">
18:04:10     <source file="/path/to/volume" />
18:04:10     <target bus="virtio" dev="vda" />
18:04:10     <shareable />
18:04:10     <serial>54-a672-23e5b495a9ea</serial>
18:04:10     <driver cache="writethrough" error_policy="enospace"
io="threads" name="qemu" type="qcow2" />
18:04:10     <iotune>
18:04:10         <total_iops_sec>800</total_iops_sec>
18:04:10         <read_bytes_sec>6120000</read_bytes_sec>
18:04:10     </iotune>
18:04:10 </disk>
18:04:10 Expected:
18:04:10 <disk device="disk" snapshot="no" type="file">
18:04:10     <source file="/path/to/volume" />
18:04:10     <target bus="virtio" dev="vda" />
18:04:10     <shareable />
18:04:10     <serial>54-a672-23e5b495a9ea</serial>
18:04:10     <driver cache="writethrough" error_policy="enospace"
io="threads" name="qemu" type="qcow2" />
18:04:10     <iotune>
18:04:10         <read_bytes_sec>6120000</read_bytes_sec>
18:04:10         <total_iops_sec>800</total_iops_sec>

Order of these elements differ, need to check why.

18:04:10     </iotune>
18:04:10 </disk>
18:04:10 ======================================================================
18:04:10 FAIL: testCpuXML (vmTests.TestVm)
18:04:10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
18:04:10 Traceback (most recent call last):
18:04:10   File
line 434, in testCpuXML
18:04:10     self.assertXMLEqual(find_xml_element(xml, "./cputune"), cputuneXML)
18:04:10   File
line 253, in assertXMLEqual
18:04:10     (actualXML, expectedXML))
18:04:10 AssertionError: XMLs are different:
18:04:10 Actual:
18:04:10 <cputune>
18:04:10     <vcpupin cpuset="0-1" vcpu="0" />
18:04:10     <vcpupin cpuset="2-3" vcpu="1" />
18:04:10 </cputune>
18:04:10 Expected:
18:04:10 <cputune>
18:04:10     <vcpupin cpuset="2-3" vcpu="1" />
18:04:10     <vcpupin cpuset="0-1" vcpu="0" />


18:04:10 </cputune>
18:04:10 ======================================================================
18:04:10 FAIL: testSetIoTune (vmTests.TestVm)
18:04:10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
18:04:10 Traceback (most recent call last):
18:04:10   File
line 936, in testSetIoTune
18:04:10     self._xml_sanitizer(expected_xml))
18:04:10 AssertionError: '<disk device="hdd" snapshot="no"
type="block"><source dev="/dev/dummy"/><target bus="ide"
!= '<disk device="hdd" snapshot="no" type="block"><source
dev="/dev/dummy"/><target bus="ide"
18:04:10 -------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
18:04:10 2016-10-12 18:03:34,110 INFO    (MainThread) [virt.vm]
vmId=`TESTING`::New device XML for hda: <disk device="hdd"
snapshot="no" type="block">
18:04:10 <source dev="/dev/dummy"/>
18:04:10 <target bus="ide" dev="hda"/>
18:04:10 <iotune>
18:04:10 <write_bytes_sec>1</write_bytes_sec>
18:04:10 <total_bytes_sec>0</total_bytes_sec>
18:04:10 <read_bytes_sec>2</read_bytes_sec>
18:04:10 </iotune>
18:04:10 </disk>

Seems that this test is not using assertXMLEqual so we don't get meaningful
error like the tests above.

18:04:10  (vm:2687)
18:04:10 --------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

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