[ovirt-devel] webadmin about Hosts question

劉芳 fangng9 at 163.com
Mon Jul 24 08:58:30 UTC 2017

Hi everyone!

      Recently I am learning GWT and OVirt.  I want to try adding  some new function to engine , First, adding a new sub-function buttons under "hosts", as fallow picture 1.

     There is  deployment button, then click it I hope popup a new window similar "Remove Host(s)", as fallow picture 2. 
     I meet some questions about click deployment Button, can't popup a new window.  I tried to set breakpoint step 

     debugging use IDE-Intellij and GWT-Development-Mode, with the execution of the code step, the page has't response.
     Can you tell me how to implement  processs of binding events,  how to popup a new window. Or how to debug the problem.

The process of binding events implement

picture 1:
picture 2:
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