[ovirt-devel] ovirt nfs mount caused sanlock failed to access data storage
yxpengi386 at 163.com
Tue Sep 12 11:57:44 UTC 2017
I know that,
after nfs mounted in client, it used nfs server's permission, although i don't know why it's this, but i execute as follows in nfs server:
# useradd sanlock -u 114
# usermod -a -G kvm sanlock
then it's works well!
thanks anyhow!
At 2017-09-12 18:47:55, "pengyixiang" <yxpengi386 at 163.com> wrote:
hello Nir
I just do a test, as follows, i add linx to group kvm
# cat /etc/group | grep "kvm"
and i see the permission of leases of nfs storage:
$ ls -l /rhev/data-center/mnt/\:_home_dataStorage/1845be22-1ac4-4e42-bbcb-7ba9ccd6e569/dom_md/leases
-rw-rw---- 1 vdsm kvm 2097152 9月 11 19:21 /rhev/data-center/mnt/
sanlock cannot read it
425138 resource = sanlock.read_resource(lease.path, lease.offset)
425139 SanlockException: (13, 'Sanlock resource read failure', 'Permission denied')
and i cannot change to sanlock like that:
# su sanlock
root at Node:~#
so i add a user linx to group kvm, and access to a o660 file with vdsm:kvm as follows:
$ ls -l
总用量 16
-rw-rw---- 1 vdsm kvm 6 9月 11 20:06 1.txt
drwxr-xr-x 9 linx linx 4096 9月 1 15:58 linx-virtualization
drw-rw---- 3 linx linx 4096 9月 11 20:13 test2
drw-rw---- 2 linx linx 4096 9月 11 20:19 test3
then we can view the file in user "linx":
$ cat ~/1.txt
then i create 1.txt as same as ~/1.txt in nfs mount point like that with permission o666 vdsm:kvm :
then i read it, but failed too
Permission denied
if i change 1.txt's permission in mount point to o666
then i can read it succeed.
i think, maybe nfs's mount caused group permission failed, group permission as the second '6' of o666
i cannot understand it, this my nfs-server's exports configurations:
/home/dataStorage *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
have any ideas? QAQ
在 2017-09-12 18:06:08,"Nir Soffer" <nsoffer at redhat.com> 写道:
On Tue, 12 Sep 2017, 4:52 pengyixiang <yxpengi386 at 163.com> wrote:
sanlock failed due to cannot read nfs storage's data , i tried to chmod 777 /rhev/data-center/mnt/\:_home_dataStorage/1845be22-1ac4-4e42-bbcb-7ba9ccd6e569/dom_md/*(add others permission), then it's ok
sanlock's log:
425120 Traceback (most recent call last):
425121 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vdsm/storage/task.py", line 878, in _run
425122 return fn(*args, **kargs)
425123 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vdsm/logUtils.py", line 52, in wrapper
425124 res = f(*args, **kwargs)
425125 File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/hsm.py", line 619, in getSpmStatus
425126 status = self._getSpmStatusInfo(pool)
425127 File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/hsm.py", line 613, in _getSpmStatusInfo
425128 (pool.spmRole,) + pool.getSpmStatus()))
425129 File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/sp.py", line 141, in getSpmStatus
425130 return self._backend.getSpmStatus()
425131 File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/spbackends.py", line 433, in getSpmStatus
425132 lVer, spmId = self.masterDomain.inquireClusterLock()
425133 File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/sd.py", line 817, in inquireClusterLock
425134 return self._manifest.inquireDomainLock()
425135 File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/sd.py", line 522, in inquireDomainLock
425136 return self._domainLock.inquire(self.getDomainLease())
425137 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vdsm/storage/clusterlock.py", line 372, in i nquire
425138 resource = sanlock.read_resource(lease.path, lease.offset)
425139 SanlockException: (13, 'Sanlock resource read failure', 'Permission denied')
i test it, and in node,I add user "linx" to group "kvm"
$ cat /etc/group | grep "kvm"
then i create a file in $HOME:
$ ls -l
总用量 16
-rw-rw---- 1 vdsm kvm 6 9月 11 20:06 1.txt
drwxr-xr-x 9 linx linx 4096 9月 1 15:58 linx-virtualization
drw-rw---- 3 linx linx 4096 9月 11 20:13 test2
drw-rw---- 2 linx linx 4096 9月 11 20:19 test3
then we can view the file in user "linx":
$ cat 1.txt
leases if vdsm:kvm too:
$ ls -l /rhev/data-center/mnt/\:_home_dataStorage/1845be22-1ac4-4e42-bbcb-7ba9ccd6e569/dom_md/leases
-rw-rw---- 1 vdsm kvm 2097152 9月 11 19:21 /rhev/data-center/mnt/
but we cannot read the file in user "linx":
$ cat /rhev/data-center/mnt/\:_home_dataStorage/1845be22-1ac4-4e42-bbcb-7ba9ccd6e569/dom_md/leases
cat: '/rhev/data-center/mnt/': 权限不够
why is this? follows the nfs server configure
# cat /etc/exports
/home/dataStorage 192.168.11.*(rw,sync)
/home/dataStorage2 192.168.11.*(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
/home/isoStorage 192.168.11.*(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
Is my nfs-server configurations miss some arguments? have any idea?
Try to setup a supported system (e.g centos, fedora) and compare the setup.
Can explain why user linx need access to vdsm/sanlock/qemu data?
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