[ovirt-devel] [ OST Failure Report ] [ oVirt 4.2 (ovirt-hosted-engine-setup) ] [ 28-02-2018 ] [ 002_bootstrap.verify_add_all_hosts ]

Dafna Ron dron at redhat.com
Wed Feb 28 18:16:00 UTC 2018

We failed test 002_bootstrap.verify_add_all_hosts. it seems that host1 did
not see master storage domain and the installation failed.

Please note that I found an error in the host messages log from firewalld
on eth0

*Link and headline of suspected patches: *

*ansible: enable gluster at cluster level -
<https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/88303/>Link to
<http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-4.2_change-queue-tester/960/>Link to
error snippet from the log: <error>messages: *

Feb 28 11:55:17 lago-basic-suite-4-2-host-1 firewalld[564]: ERROR:
UNKNOWN_INTERFACE: 'eth0' is not in any zone


'1 hosts failed installation:\nlago-basic-suite-4-2-host-1:
non_operational\n\n-------------------- >> begin captured logging <<
--------------------\novirtlago.testlib: ERROR:     * Unhandled
exception in <function <lambda> at 0x2b6fe60>\nTraceback (most recent
call last):\n  File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtlago/testlib.py", line 219, in
assert_equals_within\n    res = func()\n  File
line 426, in <lambda>\n    lambda: _all_hosts_up(hosts_service,
total_hosts),\n  File
line 133, in _all_hosts_up\n
_check_problematic_hosts(hosts_service)\n  File
line 153, in _check_problematic_hosts\n    raise
RuntimeError(dump_hosts)\nRuntimeError: 1 hosts failed
non_operational\n\n--------------------- >> end captured logging <<

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