[ovirt-devel] [ACTION-REQUIRED] Making accurate CI for oVirt 4.2

Barak Korren bkorren at redhat.com
Wed Jan 24 09:50:15 UTC 2018

On 24 January 2018 at 11:00, Martin Sivak <msivak at redhat.com> wrote:
> I do understand the semantics mostly, I am just not sure why we repeat
> the distro excludes for almost every job and project.
> Don't we have an oVirt global list for that somewhere (base-params)?

Currently not, And current tooling unfortunately does not allow for
easily making such a file.

> Because I am never sure which distros are supported for which
> versions. Especially now after Sandro said Fedora bits are no longer
> released.

You`re asking a bigger question here - Who decides which distros/archs
each project targets. The CI system currently places the burden of
this decision on the shoulders of individual maintainers. We could
have done things differently and placed the decision solely in the
hands of the integration team.

The reason to placing the power (and responsibility) in the hands of
maintainers we simple - we wanted to reduce the chances of having
maintainers be surprised. Suppose we made it so that target distros
change globally for everyone - you would have had patches failing CI
at arbitrary times as new target distros or architectures were

Decisions like this can be changed, the CI system can be
re-architectured, but to do that we would like to see:
1. The integration team agreeing the shoulder the responsibility of
choosing target distros and platforms for everyone
2. Maintainers agreeing to fix issues in new distros/archs as soon as
the integration team adds them.

Personally I prefer that decisions remain distributed, this seems to
me to map better to the open source development model, but if the
community comes together and decides differently, I will make sure the
CI system does what the community wants it to do.

Barak Korren
RHV DevOps team , RHCE, RHCi
Red Hat EMEA
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