[Engine-devel] Stable PCI Addresses design wiki

Livnat Peer lpeer at redhat.com
Sat Dec 3 09:26:27 UTC 2011

On 12/01/2011 05:27 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 12/01/2011 04:09 PM, Miki Kenneth wrote:
>> I know that we are talking about only stable addresses, but I would
>> like to broaden the scope a bit
>> (don't kick me guys)...
>> Shouldn't we keep a run-time configuration vs "saved/commit"
>> configuration.
>> By run time I mean: the current memory/cpu/disks/address per VM and by
>> "stable" I mean the "one in the DB".
>> That way, I'm going to be able to change properties in the stable
>> config, which will not affect the running one
>> (and vice versa).
>> Maybe this is totally different feature - but I decide to throw it on
>> the table.

It is a different feature ;)

> shouldn't that be part of the snapshot improvements design?

What Miki is looking for, miki please correct me if i am wrong, is the
ability to change VM configuration while the VM is running and expect
the changes to apply starting from the next VM run.
For the above feature to be 'complete' Miki wants to be able to view
what is the VM current configuration (the one used when the VM started)
and what is the configuration for the next run.

After the VM is stopped you have only one configuration (the one for the
next run).

I guess i can see why you associated it with snapshots, as we can look
at it as a temporary VM configuration snapshot, but i think it is
another functionality (especially in UI/client perspective).


>> Miki
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Eli Mesika"<emesika at redhat.com>
>>> To: engine-devel at ovirt.org
>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 5:17:42 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Stable PCI Addresses design wiki
>>> Hi again
>>> The following is a design draft for a new feature of oVirt-engine
>>> planned for 3.1
>>> The feature allow devices in guest virtual machines to retain the
>>> same PCI address allocations as other devices are added or removed
>>> from the guest configuration. This is particularly important for
>>> Windows guests in order to prevent warnings or reactivation when
>>> device addresses change.
>>> This feature is supported by libvirt and should be implemented by
>>> RHEVM and VDSM.
>>> When creating a VM, QEMU allocates PCI addresses to the guest
>>> devices, these addresses are being reported by libvirt to VDSM and
>>> VDSM should report it back to RHEVM. RHEVM should persist the PCI
>>> addresses and report it as part of the VM configuration on the next
>>> run. If a change to the VM devices occurred RHEVM should detect the
>>> change and persist the new PCI addresses.
>>> Please review.
>>> Thanks
>>> Eli Mesika
>>> Redhat ISRAEL
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Eli Mesika"<emesika at redhat.com>
>>>> To: engine-devel at ovirt.org
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 5:06:37 PM
>>>> Subject: [Engine-devel] Stable PCI Addresses design wiki
>>>> http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Features/Design/StablePCIAddresses
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