[Engine-devel] New tool to upload OVF archives

Andrew Cathrow acathrow at redhat.com
Wed Dec 7 20:01:31 UTC 2011

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Keith Robertson" <kroberts at redhat.com>
> To: "Omer Frenkel" <ofrenkel at redhat.com>, "Andrew Cathrow" <acathrow at redhat.com>
> Cc: "Shahar Havivi" <shaharh at redhat.com>, engine-devel at ovirt.org
> Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2011 2:35:06 PM
> Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] New tool to upload OVF archives
> On 12/07/2011 03:01 AM, Omer Frenkel wrote:
> > <snip
> > first some clarifications so we could talk in the same language:
> Agreed.  It's actually pretty hard to describe all of this.
> > image in vdsm called image-group in rhevm (and stands for a whole
> > disk)
> > it can have one or more volume(s) which is called image in rhevm
> > (and stand for snapshots of the disk)
> >
> > so now, every volume file has a .meta file, and the image id is
> > written there (under IMAGE=)
> I have noticed that when I tell oVirt to import an image that it will
> import it even if there isn't a .meta file.  As such, I would like to
> know if a .meta file required or will oVirt automatically generate
> one?
> > so without it i don't think its a valid image entirely,
> > if for some reason the image id is missing, it should be taken from
> > the volume meta file.
> >
> >
> Here is a use case that illustrates some of the issues that I am
> facing:
> 1. Assume the following OVF archive.
> |
> |- 5272b689-cd9f-4532-9b5d-2413eb7b9402.ovf <-- The OVF XML
> |- c0e51e1b-004e-4d10-abc0-8b9f5e21f3ad <-- The COW image
> 2. In the exmple above, there is no directory  hiearchy defined in
> the
> archive (i.e. all files are in the root).
> 3. Also, in the example above the file
> "5272b689-cd9f-4532-9b5d-2413eb7b9402.ovf" appropriately refers to
> the
> image in it's XML without an "Image Group UUID" in the prefix.
> I can have the tool massage the XML and the directory layout so that
> it
> will upload to the export domain such that it looks like this...
> <NFS EXPORT DOMAIN HERE>/virt/exports/
> |----- images
> |   |----- 2b30e705-c1d6-4bd8-a6cd-a1fe8a70614f <-- Generated UUID
> |       |----- 5272b689-cd9f-4532-9b5d-2413eb7b9402
> |---- master
>      |---- vms
>          |---- 5272b689-cd9f-4532-9b5d-2413eb7b9402
>              |---- 5272b689-cd9f-4532-9b5d-2413eb7b9402.ovf
> Is this desireable?

So is it valid to have an ovf and image in the root of the zip or do we require a subdirectory

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