[Engine-devel] Updated: New tool to upload OVF archives

Keith Robertson kroberts at redhat.com
Mon Dec 12 18:11:18 UTC 2011

Please find attached to this email a updated tool that will makes it 
easier to upload an OVF archive file to an oVirt export domain.

This version of the tool has the following improvements:

1. The tool will automatically generate UUIDs for the TemplateID and the 
disk ID.
2. The tool attempts to outline in the help how an OVF archive should be 
formatted so that a creator will produce archives that are consumable by 
the tool and oVirt.
3. The makefile has been updated to produce the image uploader's RPM.

Sample Usage:

 > ovirt-image-uploader.py  -n -t 
NEW-IMAGE-NAME-HERE -i -d  upload ovf-tgz-here.ovf

// First few lines of the help that attempt to document *how* an archive 
should be formatted...
keith at whiplash src (master *)]$ python engine-image-uploader.py -h
Usage: engine-image-uploader.py [options] list
        engine-image-uploader.py [options] upload [file].[file]...[file]

The image uploader can be used to list export storage domains and upload 
OVF files to
export storage domains. This tool supports OVF files created in the 
following manner:
1. The OVF archive must be a gzip archive.
2. The archive must have the following internal layout:
     |-- images
     |   |-- <Image Group UUID>
     |        |--- <Image UUID (this is the disk image)>
     |-- master
     |   |---vms
     |       |--- <Template UUID>
     |             |--- <Template UUID>.ovf
3. The OVF XML file within the archive must have the following 
3.1. The Content/Name element should be non-nill
3.2. The Content/TemplateID element should have a UUID matching the name 
of the
      OVF XML file
3.3. The disk resource types (i.e. ResourceType=17) within 
      should have an InstanceId element should have a UUID that matches 
<Image UUID
      (this is the disk image)>
3.4. The disk resource types (i.e. ResourceType=17) within 
      should have a HostResource element should have a string in the 
following format
<Image Group UUID>/<Image UUID (this is the disk image)>
3.5 Each References/File:href attribute should match 3.4
3.6 Each References/File:id attribute should match 3.3
3.7 Each Section/Disk:diskId attribute should match 3.3
3.8 Each Section/Disk:fileRef should match 3.4
4. The tool only supports one disk per Image Group.  If you need more 
then you need to
    create multiple Content/Section/Item elements.


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