[Engine-devel] JBoss RPM vs JBoss zip file

Ronen Angluster ranglust at redhat.com
Wed Dec 28 10:38:25 UTC 2011


I guess this discussion was being carried offline and i wanted
to get the as many opinions as possible about this issue.

Currently, we provide the users with 2 methods of handling JBoss AS's 
1. Download the zip file from jboss.org and deploy it wherever the user 
2. Install a specially crafted RPM that is designed & destined to work 
with the ovirt-engine's RPM set of files.
(This is a temporary deployment phase that will end when jboss will 
release their own set of RPMs)

in MHO, i think that the RPM deployment should be used ONLY when 
installing the ovirt-engine RPMs and not
when using the ovirt-engine's git repository for development.
especially since deployment to the file system of the host requires root 
permissions and this is not something that
should be a consideration when you're developing code.
I think that developers should use the JBoss zip package and deploy it 
locally, and NOT use the ovirt-engine-jbossas RPM.



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