[Engine-devel] MOM Stable Device Address DR

Eli Mesika emesika at redhat.com
Thu Dec 29 19:32:22 UTC 2011

The following summarizes the DR meeting from today 

Attendees: Backend Team + Moran & Haim from QA
=> marks responsibility for action items.|

Issues/Action Items:

 1) Video - memory allocation logic, check again why the logic of how much memory to allocate to a video device should move to backend. => (Eli, Igor)
 2) Generic-device - rename to vm_device (Eli)
 3) Verify hash is only on devices (not on all domxml) , check if can be expanded to VM scope (app list etc.) => (Eli, Igor)
 4) Floppy/CD - should be handled as vm_device that means we have to add to it also boot order => (Eli, Igor)
 5) Hot plug -  need to check for added/deleted devices, Open issue how to handle for managed device.
              same for any other device that is changed not via backend => (Eli, Igor)
 6) How boot order affects GUI (order of NICs) - check with Einav if support can be added for that in UI  (for disks use only 1) (Eli,Einav)
 7) OVF - add new devices , addresses , coordinate with V2V => (Eli)
 8) Live snapshot , check if affects design => (Eli, Igor)
 9) Review class diagram of detailed design => (Eli)
10) Do we have to persist indexes ? check if addresses are respected in spite of indexes.... => (Eli, Igor)

11) Update wiki pages => (Eli)


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