[Engine-devel] Introduce a change to oVirt-engine-core DB

Mike Kolesnik mkolesni at redhat.com
Tue Nov 15 06:17:27 UTC 2011


I would like to introduce a change to two tables in oVirt-engine-core.

The VM and VM-template share most of their configuration.
I am looking to unify the two tables into one table.

Currently, if such a change would be made in the DB layer, it would be
abstracted by the DAL so no code beyond that layer should be affected,
and code changes to that layer should be minimal (since we use views and
stored procedures to abstract the DB structure anyway).
The major change would be at the DB layer, which will mostly require
data migration and changing of the STPs.

If anyone has PostgresSQL knowledge and would like to pitch in and help 
me push this change it would be great.
I have more technical details if anyone is interested.
Attached is the diff between both tables (vm_static and vm_templates).

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