[Engine-devel] ovirt-engine repo up in gerrit.ovirt.org!

Juan Hernandez juan.hernandez at redhat.com
Mon Oct 31 17:01:33 UTC 2011

On 10/31/2011 01:11 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 10/31/2011 01:29 PM, Juan Hernandez wrote:
>> On 10/31/2011 12:04 PM, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn wrote:
>>> On 10/31/2011 09:34 AM, Juan Hernandez wrote:
>>>> On 10/31/2011 05:55 AM, Itamar Heim wrote:
>>>>> On 10/31/2011 04:52 AM, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn wrote:
>>>>>> On 10/31/2011 03:27 AM, Itamar Heim wrote:
>>>>>>> On 10/30/2011 04:32 PM, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Yair,
>>>>>>>> I managed to install the two missing dependencies from the web and now
>>>>>>>> the build seem to run ok but apparently 8gb of RAM are not sufficient to
>>>>>>>> build ovirt-engine so I'll have to give it a pass for now and wait for
>>>>>>>> binary releases.
>>>>>>> 8GB are more than enough. probably some config for the JVM.
>>>>>>> what's the error you are getting?
>>>>>>> did you set the JAVA_OPTS?
>>>>>> I don't get an error. The build process simply uses up all memory and
>>>>>> the desktop becomes unusable. If I don't switch to another virtual
>>>>>> terminal and issue a "killall java" then the system would probably die
>>>>>> in the end and require a reboot (or the OOM Killer would step in an kill
>>>>>> some processes before that happens).
>>>>>> This is a plain Fedora 15 System and I'm following the build
>>>>>> instructions from the wiki so right now there are no custom settings
>>>>>> applied.
>>>>> we are all building on F15, and with less than 8GB as well.
>>>>> which command are you running causing the hang?
>>>>> what does top shows when it hangs?
>>>>> what does maven output show when it hangs (i.e., which part of the
>>>>> project is causing the hang).
>>>> The compilation of the GWT applications can take very long (more than 10
>>>> minutes in a core i5 with 8GB) with intensive use of all the CPUs. This
>>>> could be what you are observing. Can try to build without the
>>>> "-Pgwt-user" and "-Pgwt-admin" options? Just to check if this is your issue.
>>> This seems to be the problem. I already sent the information to Yair
>>> Zaslavsky (and Daniel Erez) who contacted me off-list about this (though I
>>> think this really belongs on the list so everybody can chime in).
>>> I attached the output I get. At the end I had to kill the process because
>>> memory usage was at about 99%.
>>> The command I'm running is: mvn install -Pgwt-admin,gwt-user
>>> The system monitor shows cpu usage very low (up to the problematic point
>>> the build seems to spend 90% of its time trying to download jar files from
>>> bogus sources) and memory usage increasing slightly as expected until the
>>> build reaches that last problematic part where all cpu cores go to 100% and
>>> memory usage increases until all memory is consumed.
>> All those messages are expected, except the "Destroying process ..." at
>> the end. I assume that you get that when you kill the Java processes.
>> How long did you wait before killing them? I would suggest that you try
>> again and give it time to complete. GWT compiling is extremelly
>> Also you can reduce the number of permutations generated by the GWT
>> compiler and that will reduce the time it takes to compile. For example,
>> if you are going to use Firefox only as the client you can apply the
>> following patch to reduce the number of permutations to just one:
> maybe worth to create target profiles of web admin limited to a single 
> browser then? or allow to set this as an evnironment property so
> gwt_user.agent=gecko1_8 mvn clean install -Pgwt-admin
> can be used for this during devel?

Maybe. What I use for quick and dirty builds is a "build.sh" script with
the following content:


cd repository

# Patch the GWT descriptors to use only one permutation:
patch -N -p1 <<'.'
diff --git
index d0d2fd7..172bff0 100644
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
        <set-property name="gwt.logging.logLevel" value="INFO" />
        <set-property name="gwt.logging.popupHandler" value="DISABLED" />

+       <!-- Reduce the number of permutations to compile, just for
tests: -->
+       <set-property name="user.agent" value="gecko1_8"/>
        <!-- Inherit oVirt UiCommon Web modules and GWT deRPC module -->
        <inherits name="org.ovirt.engine.ui.GwtExtension" />
        <inherits name="org.ovirt.engine.ui.UICommonWeb" />

# Call maven to perform the build:
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Pgwt-admin install

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