[Engine-devel] qemu machine type / datacenter machine version

Ryan Harper ryanh at us.ibm.com
Thu Apr 5 15:27:19 UTC 2012

I was playing around with ovirt-engine datacenter definitions and I
seems that the capatibility version in the gui controls the qemu machine
type specified (3.0 -> pc-0.14).  I was wondering where that's
configured setup.

I grepped through my deployed system and saw a hit here:

[root at f16-engine ovirt-engine]# rpm -qf /usr/share/ovirt-engine 
[root at f16-engine ovirt-engine]# grep -nri "pc-0.14" *
db-backups/tmprN1EDt.sql:12119:INSERT INTO vdc_options (option_id, option_name, option_value, version) VALUES (236, 'EmulatedMachine', 'pc-0.14', '3.0');
db-backups/tmpj4XRCI.sql:12138:INSERT INTO vdc_options (option_id, option_name, option_value, version) VALUES (236, 'EmulatedMachine', 'pc-0.14', '3.0');
dbscripts/upgrade/03_00_0530_update_EmulatedMachine_config_to_pc.sql:2:select fn_db_update_config_value('EmulatedMachine','pc-0.14','3.0');
dbscripts/create_db.sh.log:7571:select fn_db_update_config_value('EmulatedMachine','pc-0.14','3.0');
dbscripts/create_db.sh.log:25529:select fn_db_update_config_value('EmulatedMachine','pc-0.14','3.0');
dbscripts/create_db.sh.log:43487:select fn_db_update_config_value('EmulatedMachine','pc-0.14','3.0');

Is there any way to define different compatibiilty versions or edit that?  If I've got a new end-point running qemu-kvm that doesn't have pc-0.14 defined (Say RHEL6.x) the machines won't lauch when you specific -M pc-0.14.


Ryan Harper
Software Engineer; Linux Technology Center
IBM Corp., Austin, Tx
ryanh at us.ibm.com

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