[Engine-devel] Design review summary for 3.2 - adding support for External Events

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Tue Dec 4 00:09:56 UTC 2012

On 11/29/2012 11:11 PM, Eli Mesika wrote:
> Hi
> please note that this section
> http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/Features/Design/DetailedExternalEvents#Permissions
> was changed and approved by PM (Miki)
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> Invoke ..api/events/add API giving at least AuditLogType, Severity, Origin & CustomEventId

why do you need the AuditLogType - you already know it is 
ExternalEvent/Alert? you only need to know the severity iiuc.

> When the Event/Alert is on a specific object, the object instance id should be set.

what if it is on multiple objects, like events are today?


> Permissions on Entity Instances
> There will be no permission check on entity instances on which External Events are injected

this means this permission is always at system level, breaking the 
current permission scheme where permission can be given on a portion of 
the system.

> The reason is that in order to invoke an External Events on an entity instance, the invoker should know the entity instance UUID and therefore we had already checked that the invoker has the right permissions on the entity instance when he gets the information.

UUID are not cryptographically secure. knowing a UUID is not a way to 
decide to give a permission.
(also, this is an admin action, and admins always see all objects in the 
system today)

> Also, double checking that in the AddExternalEvent command is not simple, since each Entity may have several ActionGroups (Create, Edit etc.) associated with it, so it is not clear which to check

it is very clear - you check for each entity the user has the new 
ActionGroup that allows to inject events (same one you added to the 
superuser and to the newly created special role).

> So, in order to keep things simple, we will assume that if the caller to Add External Event has the Entity UUID in hand, all we have to check is that he has permission to inject External Events

as i stated above, this means you are creating an ActionGroup which is 
global, regardless of the entity the role with it is given on.


> User Experience
> Global External Events will be displayed on the Global Events TAB
> Entity instance External Events will be displayed on the Events TAB when selecting the Entity instance

1. not clear here they will also be displayed in the global tab?
2. not clear here that multiple entities can be specified for an event.


> Installation/Upgrade
> Add additional fields to audit_log table upon upgrade
> Add the permission(ActionGroup) to manipulate External Events to other admin roles already defined upon upgrade.

but in permission it is stated only superuser and a new role will be 
given this actiongroup, and here more admin roles are mentioned (if so, 
which is the correct one).


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