[Engine-devel] New oVirt GIT Repo Request

Keith Robertson kroberts at redhat.com
Sat Feb 11 13:43:36 UTC 2012

On 02/11/2012 03:48 AM, Ofer Schreiber wrote:
> On 10 Feb 2012, at 16:42, Keith Robertson <kroberts at redhat.com 
> <mailto:kroberts at redhat.com>> wrote:
>> All,
>> I would like to move some of the oVirt tools into their own GIT repos 
>> so that they are easier to manage/maintain.  In particular, I would 
>> like to move the ovirt-log-collector, ovirt-iso-uploader, and 
>> ovirt-image-uploader each into their own GIT repos.
>> The Plan:
>> Step 1: Create naked GIT repos on oVirt.org <http://oVirt.org> for 
>> the 3 tools.
>> Step 2: Link git repos to gerrit.
>> Step 3: Populate naked GIT repos with source and build standalone 
>> spec files for each.
>> Step 4: In one patch do both a) and b)...
>> a) Update oVirt manager GIT repo by removing tool source.
>> b) Update oVirt manager GIT repo such that spec has dependencies on 3 
>> new RPMs.
>> Optional:
>> - These three tools share some python classes that are very similar. 
>>  I would like to create a GIT repo (perhaps ovirt-tools-common) to 
>> contain these classes so that a fix in one place will fix the issue 
>> everywhere.  Perhaps we can also create a naked GIT repo for these 
>> common classes while addressing the primary concerns above.
> +1 on the entire suggestion.
> about the common stuff- will this package be obsolete once the tools 
> will be base on the sdk?
No.  The SDK is different it provides a common mechanism for accessing 
the REST API.  Whereas, the common tools repo is more geared to the 
tooling (e.g. common classes for logging, option parsing, etc.).  It 
would look like this...

[Common Tools]       [REST SDK]
                 \                         /
[image-uploader, iso-uploader, log-collector]

>> Please comment,
>> Keith Robertson
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