[Engine-devel] Network Wiring

Livnat Peer lpeer at redhat.com
Tue Nov 20 06:57:20 UTC 2012

On 18/11/12 17:06, Alona Kaplan wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>>>>> purge a network while it is connected to VMs: Link-Down on
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> nics
>>>>>> and connect to the empty/no network. (Yes I know, it's not
>>>>>> par
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> feature, but you know someone will ask for it soon :))
>>>>> It should not be hard to implement; In
>>>>> http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/Feature/DetailedNetworkWiring#New_API
>>>>> I
>>>>> suggest passing
>>>>> no 'network' element to mean "connected to nothing".
>>>> I don't really understand why changing the link state to down is
>>>> not enough?
>>>> What is the added value of connecting "unwired" nic to a none
>>>> network?
>>> It is not a big deal of a difference, but the semantics of having
>>> no
>>> network is clear: you can run the VM if networks are missing, you
>>> can
>>> remove a network when the VM is running. When a VM is associated to
>>> a
>>> network, but its link state is down, the "right" semantics is more
>>> vague.
>> Indeed :)
>> Plus consider the use case of hooks providing the networking - they
>> still need the engine to assign the MAC and type (like the CISCO
>> hook).
>> If you force a logical network on each nic, it means you have to
>> invent a dummy LN and define it as non-required and set the global
>> config to allow VMs to run on hosts that do not have this networks -
>> Too messy. Though sometimes desirable since the network name may be
>> a hint to the hook, there are cases it's not.
>> -> No LN means this VM can run on any host! with implicit assumption
>> that someone else takes care of connecting it to the proper network.
>> Note that in this case you may still want the network with link state
>> up and be allowed to bring the link up/down so it's for sure not the
>> case as 'unwired/link down but connected to arbitrary network'
> I"ve added "none" network option to the wiki.
> Any more comments? Do we have green light to start working on the feature?

+1 for the high level design naming and behavior.

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