[Engine-devel] Java 7, revisited again

Allon Mureinik amureini at redhat.com
Tue Apr 2 13:33:20 UTC 2013


A couple of weeks (months?) ago we discussed upgrading to Java 7.[1]
Generally, there was a positive vibe about moving forward with technology, 
although we noted that this should not be done for common, compat and the GWT modules, 
under the limitation of the current GWT version we're using.

Here's an initial suggestion for this upgrade:

Areas handled and checked:
1. compilation (including GWT compilation)[2]
2. animal-sniffer validations for to makes sure that modules that aren't supposed to use JDK7 features really don't[2]
3. Running and making sure the UI still works :-)
(checkstyle issues which Laslo pointed out in the original discussion were already solved in a different patch merged long ago)

Allon and Alissa

[1] http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/engine-devel/2012-December/003139.html
[2] This includes, of course, purposely introducing Java 7 syntax and JDK 7 features to modules that aren't supposed to have them, 
    and making sure that the build fails early, as expected, without having to add the -Pgwt-admin or -Pgwt-user profiles.

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