[Engine-devel] Engine - top 10 with patches with no activity for more than 30 days

Yair Zaslavsky yzaslavs at redhat.com
Wed Feb 20 16:04:39 UTC 2013

Why not sending this as a reminder?
But sending also the gerrit links
For example, I assume mkolesni sent an engine patch, maybe I as someone who also sends patches to engine can review (even if not ACK, share some thoughts?)


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Itamar Heim" <iheim at redhat.com>
> To: "engine-devel" <engine-devel at ovirt.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:39:16 PM
> Subject: [Engine-devel] Engine - top 10 with patches with no activity for	more than 30 days
> thoughts on how to trim these?
> (in openstack gerrit they auto-abandon patches with no activity for a
> couple of weeks - author can revive them back when they are relevant)
>   preferred_email           | count
>   --------------------------+------
>   mkolesni at redhat.com       | 17
>   rgolan at redhat.com         | 12
>   sesubram at redhat.com       | 8
>   lhornyak at redhat.com       | 5
>   laravot at redhat.com        | 4
>   juan.hernandez at redhat.com | 4
>   lvernia at redhat.com        | 4
>   awels at redhat.com          | 4
>   mhuntxu at gmail.com         | 3
>   vszocs at redhat.com         | 3
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