[Engine-devel] How to debug in frontend project
Vojtech Szocs
vszocs at redhat.com
Mon Mar 4 15:38:01 UTC 2013
please find some details on debugging Web Admin below:
0) Make sure to export appropriate oVirt-related environment variables, for example:
$ export OVIRT_GIT=$HOME/workspace/ovirt-engine
$ export JBOSS_HOME=/usr/local/dev/ovirt-jboss-as
$ export ENGINE_DEFAULTS=$OVIRT_GIT/backend/manager/conf/engine.conf.defaults
1) Perform full oVirt build, with Web Admin GWT compilation enabled
$ mvn clean install -Pdep,gwt-admin -Dgwt.compiler.localWorkers=8
(Note: 'dep' profile deploys engine.ear to Engine JBoss instance, 'gwt-admin' profile enables Web Admin GWT compilation, 'gwt.compiler.localWorkers' is optional and should match the number of CPU cores to speed up GWT compilation)
2) Start Engine JBoss instance (standalone mode)
$ cd $JBOSS_HOME/bin
$ ./standalone.sh
(Note: for server-side code debugging, you might want to edit '$JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.conf' and uncomment JPDA settings for remote socket debugging)
3) Launch Web Admin Development Mode session
$ cd $OVIRT_GIT/frontend/webadmin/modules/webadmin
$ mvn gwt:debug -Pgwtdev,gwt-admin -Dgwt.noserver=true
4) Connect to Web Admin Development Mode session from Java IDE
> In Eclipse, create new 'Remote Java Application' debug configuration as follows:
- host 'localhost', port 8000
- connection type 'Standard (Socket Attach)'
- in 'Source' tab, you might want to add related frontend projects if you previously imported them into Eclipse (Add | Java project), e.g. 'uicommonweb' and 'gwt-common'
5) Launch Web Admin in web browser
> open
> (first-time only) you will be prompted to install GWT Developer plugin for the given browser, proceed with installation and restart the browser
> open the URL again, GWT Developer plugin will now connect to Web Admin Development Mode ('gwt.codesvr')
> there will be a new tab in Development Mode GUI for the given browser, including client-side logs
(Note: each time you make a client-side code change, you have to refresh the URL in web browser, causing Web Admin to restart.)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ofri Masad" <omasad at redhat.com>
To: "Wei D Chen" <wei.d.chen at intel.com>
Cc: engine-devel at ovirt.org
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 10:20:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] How to debug in frontend project
Not sure this it what you've meant, but gwt allows you to debug directly from your IDE.
Here is how:
- compile using maven
- go to: frontend/webadmin/modules/webadmin
- run: mvn clean gwt:debug -Pgwt-admin,gwtdev
(This will invoke a maven build which will get to the line: "[INFO] Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000")
- Create a debug configuration on your IDE for remote debug on host:localhost port:8000
- Debug using the IDE
(The IDE debug would launch a gwt tool which would allow you to activate the webadmin on you browser)
* after activating the webadmin on the browser via the gwt tool, be patient - it takes few minutes to load.
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wei D Chen" <wei.d.chen at intel.com>
> To: engine-devel at ovirt.org
> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:00:57 AM
> Subject: [Engine-devel] How to debug in frontend project
> Hi,
> How to debug the code in frontend project? I mean, print out some
> debug message from "onSave" method in the java file of
> "VmListModel.java" which is located in uicommonweb project. Thanks
> in advance.
> Best Regards,
> Dave Chen
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