[Engine-devel] No need to compile for all browsers when debugging oVirt Frontend applications

Vojtech Szocs vszocs at redhat.com
Fri Mar 29 13:27:51 UTC 2013

Hi guys,

I've just learned that it's not necessary to do GWT compilation for *all browsers* in order to debug given oVirt Frontend application (WebAdmin or UserPortal).

Full oVirt build & deploy to Engine is still recommended, but you can use "gwt.userAgent" property to restrict GWT compilation only for a couple of browsers:

  $ mvn clean install -Pdep,gwt-admin,gwt-user -Dgwt.userAgent=gecko1_8,ie8

The example above means "compile only for Firefox and IE8".

I suspect it's because of GWT permutation selector script (*.nocache.js) being optimized-out in case you perform compilation for a single browser, which might interfere with the way how GWT plugin connects to Development Mode.


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