[Engine-devel] ui code: possible problem in 'remove' confirmation dialog

Einav Cohen ecohen at redhat.com
Thu Oct 17 13:20:07 UTC 2013


Looking at the current code: It seems that we cannot set the message within a 'remove' confirmation 
dialog if its HashName starts with "remove_" - it is being set "statically[1]
I don't have a major problem with relying on the HashName for setting a *default* message (in fact, 
I don't have a problem

[1] From RemoveConfirmationPopupView.java, line 86:

    public void setMessage(String message) {
        if (getHashName() != null && getHashName().startsWith("remove_")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
        } else {

Einav Cohen Baum 
RHEV-M Engineering - UX Team Manager 
Red Hat, Inc. 
314 Littleton Road 
Westford, MA 01886 
T [internal]: (81) 31046 
T [external]: (+1) 978 589 1046 
IRC: ecohen @ 
 - RHAT [internal]: #rhev-dev #boston #westford #tlv 
 - OFTC [external]: #ovirt 

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