[Engine-devel] FW: Discussion about NUMA feature and CPU pinning

Liao, Chuan (Jason Liao, HPservers-Core-OE-PSC) chuan.liao at hp.com
Wed Apr 2 07:10:36 UTC 2014

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Best Regards,
Jason Liao

From: Liao, Chuan (Jason Liao, HPservers-Core-OE-PSC)
Sent: 2014年4月1日 16:56
To: 'Gilad Chaplik'
Cc: Doron Fediuck; Vinod, Chegu; Liang, Shang-Chun (David Liang, HPservers-Core-OE-PSC); Shi, Xiao-Lei (Bruce, HP Servers-PSC-CQ); 'devel at ovirt.org'
Subject: Discussion about NUMA feature and CPU pinning

Hi Gilad,

When I define VdcActionType to manage Virtual NUMA node and pin Virtual NUMA node to host NUMA node.

There are some operations in list:

1.      New Virtual NUMA node ( set vcpus count, set total memory )

2.      Pin Virtual NUMA node to host NUMA node ( save host NUMA node ID into Virtual NUMA node )

3.      Save a VM’s all Virtual NUMA node

a)         Calculate VM pin to host property from host NUMA node’s host ID.

b)         Calculate VM NUMA tuning nodeset from all Virtual NUMA node’s pin to host NUMA node ID.

c)         Calculate VM CPU pinning from all Virtual NUMA node’s vcpus and related pin to host NUMA node cpus


host NUMA node 0 cpus 0, 1, 2, 3

host NUMA node 1 cpus 4, 5, 6, 7

host NUMA node 2 cpus 8, 9, 10, 11

host NUMA node 3 cpus 12, 13, 14, 15

virtual NUMA node 0 vcpus count 2

virtual NUMA node 1 vcpus count 2

pin virtual NUMA node 0 to host NUMA node 1

pin virtual NUMA node 1 to host NUMA node 3

b. Calculate result: 1,3

c. Calculate result: 0#4,5,6,7_1#4,5,6,7_2#12,13,14,15_3#12,13,14,15


1.      Do we need these operations, especially method c. ?

2.      If the answer is Yes, this operation will replace the Cpu pinning configuration from VM Cpu pining input, Do we need to notify the owner ?

Best Regards,
Jason Liao

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