[Engine-devel] [oVirt 3.4 Localization Question #6] "snapshot Creation/Preview With Memory"

Einav Cohen ecohen at redhat.com
Fri Feb 14 02:28:18 UTC 2014

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Greg Sheremeta" <gshereme at redhat.com>
> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 8:59:11 PM
> I don't know the answer. But as a native English speaker, these strings need
> some work.
> "Saving memory may cause data loss when excluding disks!"
> If the meaning is "removing disks," then exclude is the wrong word. It should
> say remove.
> If the meaning is "excluding disks from the snapshot," then it really needs
> that prepositional phrase at the end, so it should be changed to
> "Saving memory may cause data loss when excluding disks from the snapshot!"
> Same goes for the other one.

Thanks, Greg. 
I believe it should be the latter (but the storage guys may know better). 

So the meaning is: 

for "Saving memory may cause data loss when excluding disks!": 
Creating a snapshot and saving the memory (i.e. the RAM of the VM, AFAIK) 
as part of the snapshot data may cause data loss in case the created 
snapshot is a "partial-disks" snapshot (i.e. a snapshot that doesn't 
include all of the VM's disks). 

for "Previewing memory may cause data loss when excluding disks!": 
Performing a snapshot-Preview action that includes previewing the memory 
that has been saved during that snapshot creation can cause data loss in 
case the previewed snapshot is a "partial-disks" snapshot. 

> From: "Yuko Katabami" <ykatabam at redhat.com>
> To: engine-devel at ovirt.org
> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 8:44:11 PM
> Subject: [Engine-devel] [oVirt 3.4 Localization Question #6] "snapshot
> Creation/Preview With Memory"
> Hello all,
> I am a little confused with those two strings and hoping anyone here can help
> me understand them correctly.
> File: CommonApplicationConstants
> Resource IDs:
> snapshotCreationWithMemoryAndPartialDisksWarning
> snapshotPreviewWithMemoryAndPartialDisksWarning
> Strings:
> Saving memory may cause data loss when excluding disks!
> Previewing memory may cause data loss when excluding disks!
> Question:
> These two strings can be interpreted in a few different ways and I would like
> have clarification on what they are meant to say.
> Is "excluding disks" referring to "not including disks to snapshot when
> creating it?"
> (Or is it about removing disks?)
> If you do not include any disks when you create a snapshot, saving in the
> memory or previewing from the memory may cause data loss?
> And is "saving" referring to "not using too much" or is it about writing in
> the memory?
> Thanks,
> Yuko
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