<p><font size="2" face="sans-serif">Mark,</font><br>
<font size="2" face="sans-serif"> You are correct. The issue was with that piece of code. A patch has been posted to fix it - <a href="http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/13155/">http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/13155/</a></font><br>
<font size="2" face="sans-serif">Thanks</font><br>
<font size="2" face="sans-serif">Sharad Mishra<br>
Open Virtualization<br>
Linux Technology Center<br>
<img width="16" height="16" src="cid:1__=08BBF1A0DF870F1C8f9e8a93df938@us.ibm.com" border="0" alt="Inactive hide details for Mark Wu ---03/18/2013 07:45:35 PM---Deepak, I suspect it's related to the following code snippet."><font size="2" color="#424282" face="sans-serif">Mark Wu ---03/18/2013 07:45:35 PM---Deepak, I suspect it's related to the following code snippet.</font><br>
<font size="1" color="#5F5F5F" face="sans-serif">From: </font><font size="1" face="sans-serif">Mark Wu <wudxw@linux.vnet.ibm.com></font><br>
<font size="1" color="#5F5F5F" face="sans-serif">To: </font><font size="1" face="sans-serif">Deepak C Shetty <deepakcs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, </font><br>
<font size="1" color="#5F5F5F" face="sans-serif">Cc: </font><font size="1" face="sans-serif">"engine-devel@ovirt.org" <engine-devel@ovirt.org>, Sharad Mishra/Beaverton/IBM@IBMUS</font><br>
<font size="1" color="#5F5F5F" face="sans-serif">Date: </font><font size="1" face="sans-serif">03/18/13 07:45 PM</font><br>
<font size="1" color="#5F5F5F" face="sans-serif">Subject: </font><font size="1" face="sans-serif">Re: [Engine-devel] vfs_type not being sent by engine to VDSM for GLUSTER DOMAIN case</font><br>
<hr width="100%" size="2" align="left" noshade style="color:#8091A5; "><br>
<tt><font size="2">Deepak,<br>
I suspect it's related to the following code snippet.<br>
// storage_pool can be null when discovering iscsi send targets <br>
or when connecting<br>
// through vds which has no storage pool<br>
if (storage_pool == null || Config.<Boolean> <br>
storage_pool.getcompatibility_version().getValue())) {<br>
// For mnt_options, vfs_type, and protocol_version - if <br>
they are null<br>
// or empty we should not send a key with an empty value<br>
con.putIfNotEmpty("vfs_type", connection.getVfsType());<br>
If my understanding is correct, AdvancedNFSOptionsEnabled is true only <br>
for DC 3.1 and 3.2. What's your DC version?<br>
It should be 3.2, otherwise it could not be compatible with glusterfs <br>
domain. Anyway, you could add some debugging code<br>
to see if the 'vfsType' options is added to parameters. You also could <br>
use wireshark confirm if it's sent by ovirt-engine.<br>
Of course, you need disable SSL at first before capturing packets.<br>
Don't blame me if it doesn't help at all. :-)<br>
On Mon 18 Mar 2013 10:56:59 PM CST, Deepak C Shetty wrote:<br>
> I by mistake sent this earlier to users@ovirt<br>
> I think the right list is engine-devel, hence resending. Sorry for the<br>
> mispost earlier.<br>
> -------- Original Message --------<br>
> Subject: vfs_type not being sent by engine to VDSM for GLUSTER DOMAIN<br>
> case<br>
> Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 20:23:57 +0530<br>
> From: Deepak C Shetty <deepakcs@linux.vnet.ibm.com><br>
> Organization: IBM India Pvt. Ltd.<br>
> To: users@ovirt.org <users@ovirt.org>, Sharad Mishra<br>
> <snmishra@us.ibm.com><br>
> Hi All,<br>
> I am validating GLUSTERFS Storage domain engine patches (worked on<br>
> by Sharad, in Cc) as posted here...<br>
> </font></tt><tt><font size="2"><a href="http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/q/status:open+project:ovirt-engine+branch:master+topic:glusterfs,n,z">http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/q/status:open+project:ovirt-engine+branch:master+topic:glusterfs,n,z</a></font></tt><tt><font size="2"><br>
> against VDSM Glusterfs domain support (already upstream in VDSM)<br>
> I see the below issue as part of me creatign a new Gluster Storage<br>
> DOmain in the UI<br>
> Engine logs...<br>
> 2013-03-18 13:27:29,149 INFO<br>
> [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.ConnectStorageServerVDSCommand]<br>
> (http-- [4b751967] START,<br>
> ConnectStorageServerVDSCommand(HostName = vm-vdsm-de-1, HostId =<br>
> c0ff5edc-4e30-4553-9125-2d1cee9f19ec, storagePoolId =<br>
> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, storageType = GLUSTERFS,<br>
> connectionList = [{ id: null, connection: vm-vdsm-de-1:dpkvol4, iqn:<br>
> null, vfsType: glusterfs, mountOptions: null, nfsVersion: null,<br>
> nfsRetrans: null, nfsTimeo: null };]), log id: f88d42d<br>
> VDSM Logs...<br>
> Thread-77::INFO::2013-03-18<br>
> 13:32:35,541::logUtils::44::dispatcher::(wrapper) Run and protect:<br>
> connectStorageServer(domType=7,<br>
> spUUID='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', conList=[{'connection':<br>
> 'vm-vdsm-de-1:dpkvol4', 'iqn': '', 'portal': '', 'user': '',<br>
> 'password': '******', 'id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',<br>
> 'port': ''}], options=None)*--> Notice no vfs_type here !!!*<br>
> VDSM doesn't recv. the vfs_type in the conList dict !!!<br>
> I had this small chat with Saggi of VDSM, just to confirm that there<br>
> isn't a possibility that VDSM might be stripping args that are recd.<br>
> from Engine.. and it doesn't.<br>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
> <deepakcs> saggi, Hi<br>
> <saggi> deepakcs: hi<br>
> <deepakcs> saggi, Is it possible that VDSM might strip down some of<br>
> the connparams that are recd. as part of connectStorageServer ?<br>
> <deepakcs> saggi, In engine log for GLUSTERFS_DOMAIN i see vfsType<br>
> being passed, but connectStorageServer log doesn't show vfs_type in<br>
> the params dict<br>
> <deepakcs> saggi, so wodering where vfs_type is getting dropped in<br>
> this whole process<br>
> <saggi> Probably not being sent<br>
> <saggi> if it's not being logged<br>
> <deepakcs> saggi, engine log has this....<br>
> <deepakcs> 2013-03-18 13:27:29,149 INFO<br>
> [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.ConnectStorageServerVDSCommand]<br>
> (http-- [4b751967] START,<br>
> ConnectStorageServerVDSCommand(HostName = vm-vdsm-de-1, HostId =<br>
> c0ff5edc-4e30-4553-9125-2d1cee9f19ec, storagePoolId =<br>
> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, storageType = GLUSTERFS,<br>
> connectionList = [{ id: null, connection: vm-vdsm-de-1:dpkvol4, iqn:<br>
> null, vfsType: glusterfs, mountOptions: null, nfsVersion: nul<br>
> <deepakcs> l, nfsRetrans: null, nfsTimeo: null };]), log id: f88d42d<br>
> <deepakcs> saggi, on VDSM side i see this...<br>
> <deepakcs> Thread-77::INFO::2013-03-18<br>
> 13:32:35,541::logUtils::44::dispatcher::(wrapper) Run and protect:<br>
> connectStorageServer(domType=7,<br>
> spUUID='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', conList=[{'connection':<br>
> 'vm-vdsm-de-1:dpkvol4', 'iqn': '', 'portal': '', 'user': '',<br>
> 'password': '******', 'id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',<br>
> 'port': ''}], options=None) --> Notice no vfs_type here !!!<br>
> <saggi> Then you are not sending the correct connection type<br>
> <deepakcs> saggi, 'you' means the engine side of code ? engine patches<br>
> is being done by Sharad, and I amtrying to work with them on this issue<br>
> <deepakcs> saggi, domType=7 is GLUSTERFS_DOMAIN, so its correct on<br>
> that front<br>
> <saggi> If it show nfsRetrans you are using nfs which doesn't have a<br>
> vfs_type argument<br>
> <deepakcs> saggi, but engine log says storageType = GLUSTERFS<br>
> <deepakcs> saggi, maybe i can send mail to users@ovirt list to see if<br>
> anybody can provide more clues<br>
> <deepakcs> saggi, but definitely this doesn't looks like a vdsm side<br>
> of issue rite ?<br>
> <saggi> We log the params as we get them<br>
> <deepakcs> saggi, right, thats what i also see.. just wanted to<br>
> confirm once with you, before i sent mail to ovirt folks<br>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
> Can someone help provide any clues on what might be the issue here ?<br>
> Because VDSM doesn't see vfs_type, the connectStorageServer fails and<br>
> hence new SD cannot be created !<br>
> thanx,<br>
> deepak<br>
> _______________________________________________<br>
> Engine-devel mailing list<br>
> Engine-devel@ovirt.org<br>
> </font></tt><tt><font size="2"><a href="http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/engine-devel">http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/engine-devel</a></font></tt><tt><font size="2"><br>