need help planning cutover of

Karsten Wade kwade at
Sun Sep 18 21:59:30 UTC 2011

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 08:29:52PM -0400, Mike Burns wrote:
> Let me know what you need from me w.r.t. the current site.  I
> assume step 1 is to redirect to the site, but let me
> know what you need.

Hi Mike,

Right, we can do an Apache redirect while waiting for DNS to

My only consideration is that I have done all this configuration on, but am not sure we want to keep it on a machine that
is serving triple-purposes. It's a Linode 2048 (iirc), so can handle
some traffic but it might get tough if it's all being hammered, etc.

My plan was to work up the configs on then possibly
move to another host to keep the workload split.

Then would have Wordpress for '/*' and MediaWiki for

I've been having a few slight challenges with having www-staging and
lists on the same host, so I could spin up a new VM and bring all the
Wordpress and MediaWiki database and configurations over. Now might be
a good time to do that.

This Wednesday is going to be the go/no-go call on if we send out the
invitations to the oVirt workshop, and if it's 'go', the website needs
to be ready. So I really want to get things locked down by Monday
night. Then we can move the content from the current to within [[Category:oVirt Node]] and do other clean-up
work by Tuesday night.

What else am I not thinking about?

The Wordpress instance is pretty rock-solid right now, so it's the
wiki configuration I'm having some challenges with, then planning the
launch infrastructure.

If we can scare up a VM from somewhere else, we can go there, or we
can use another provider or Linode. I got a bit of the way down the
OpenShift road but decided to stick with what I knew how to
configure. We can probably find a way to transfer this setup to
OpenShift Flex.

- Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:   Red Hat Community Architecture & Leadership
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