Puppet proposal

Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden ewoud+ovirt at kohlvanwijngaarden.nl
Mon Aug 13 22:01:55 UTC 2012


As promised and hopefully in time for tomorrows meeting I present to you
some basic puppet classes and modules to help us manage our infra. I
created a github repo[1] with some very basic classes.

Some things I'm unsure about:
- I'm not sure if a dash ('-') is allowed in the class name. It works
  but github highlights it weird.
- I think publishing the public key is no problem (they're public after
  all), but if something like the debian SSH fiasco[2] would happen
  again we might be at risk.
- It's very basic, just ensure users exist and sudo is set up. We can do
  much more, but what do we want?

In other words, here's what I worked on and I'd love to hear what you

[1]: https://github.com/ekohl/ovirt-infra-puppet
[2]: http://www.debian.org/security/2008/dsa-1571

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