[RFC] moving services to OpenShift

Karsten 'quaid' Wade kwade at redhat.com
Mon Jul 9 22:49:52 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

Some of us have been having backchannel discussions of the idea of
moving oVirt services to OpenShift, specifically:

* WordPress (www.ovirt.org)[1]
* MediaWiki (wiki.ovirt.org) [2]

In the future I'd want to add Jenkins and mailman to that list,
when/if they become possible/available.

The main idea is to off-load the infrastructure work - maintaining the
server, network, OS, dependencies, etc. We'd have an easy way to share
responsibilities to the services using git - OpenShift projects are
maintained in git repositories, and when you commit a change, it
updates the live website. We'd then be able to take in fixes as pull
requests, or give direct key'd access to some people to work on parts
of the infrastructure.

What are some other reasons this is a good idea?

What are some considerations that might make this a bad idea?

We can discuss in tomorrow's meeting, but should make the decision on
this mailing list.

- - Karsten

[1] https://github.com/openshift/wordpress-example
[2] https://github.com/openshift/mediawiki-example
- -- 
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org  .^\  http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC)  \v.  gpg: AD0E0C41

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