[oVirt Jenkins] ovirt_engine_dao_unit_tests - Build # 3760 - Still Failing!

Jenkins ci oVirt Server jenkins at ovirt.org
Mon Jul 8 09:41:37 UTC 2013

Project: http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_engine_dao_unit_tests/ 
Build: http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_engine_dao_unit_tests/3760/
Build Number: 3760
Build Status:  Still Failing
Triggered By: Started by an SCM change

Changes Since Last Success:
Changes for Build #3752
[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: Comparing integer by its reference value

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: Reverting the execution of encodingvalidator

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi : if "filter: ..." header is set, use query instead of search to list items

[Gerrit Code Review] core : power management types are not updated

[Shireesh Anjal] engine: Refactoring AddVdsCommand#canDoAction()

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi : AttachNetworkToVdsGroupCommand HTTP Status 500 - java.lang.NullPointerException(#961046)

[Michael Pasternak] Revert "restapi : AttachNetworkToVdsGroupCommand HTTP Status 500 - java.lang.NullPointerException(#961046)"

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: Boxed value is unboxed and then immediately reboxed

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: Method with Boolean return explicit null

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: re-write using otopi

[Gerrit Code Review] core: add missing sound card for imported vm

[Gerrit Code Review] pki: upgrade: we do not update database any more

[Gerrit Code Review] pki: solve ibm/openjdk incompatibility

[Gerrit Code Review] core: [cleanup] introduce GetAllFromExportDomainQuery class

[Moti Asayag] restapi: Attaching network to cluster failure

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: add cracklib validation to engine password

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: add release preview warning

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: remove bash usage from tools

[Moti Asayag] restapi: Attaching a network to cluster by network id

[Gilad Chaplik] frontend: rename methods to begin with lowercase letter

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Set additional fields in ServerServices

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: build: allow to control build of gwt components

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: build: update documentation

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: solve conflict with versionlocked 3.2 packages

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: findbugs error

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: ignore: Boolean return value should not return null

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: ignore: Possible null pointer dereference

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: ignore: Call to static DateFormat

[Frantisek Kobzik] usertportal: Console buttons are still active after VM is launched.

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: ignore: Possible double check of field

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: Unwritten field

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Use Set instead of List for serviceNames

[Gerrit Code Review] userportal: added space between protocol and edit button

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: Validating DB encoding during setup

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: ignore: Method might ignore exception

[Gilad Chaplik] engine: custom properties: allow '=' in regex

[Allon Mureinik] core: Removed unused Roles queries

[Allon Mureinik] core: Reduce timeout in DiretorySearcherTest

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove DirectorySearcherTest's @BeforeClass

[Allon Mureinik] core: Fix testGetRootDSENoServers

[Allon Mureinik] core: DirectorySearcherTest proper failures

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: set service name&type in ServerServiceDAO

[Daniel Erez] webadmin: select all LUNs check-box fix

[Allon Mureinik] tools: postgres dependency

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: Attach network to cluster by ID

[Shubhendu Tripathi] gluster: Corrected error messages

[Allon Mureinik] core: Unused field from SimpleAuthenticationCheck

[Alexander Wels] userportal,webadmin: fix documentation locale detection

[Laszlo Hornyak] engine: replace some parameter classes with IdQueryParameters

[Vojtech Szocs] webadmin,userportal: Improve form-based sub tabs

[Vojtech Szocs] webadmin: Element IDs in Assign Tags and Role dialogs

[Vojtech Szocs] webadmin: Element IDs in System Tree and Tags

[Vojtech Szocs] userportal: Console buttons clickable area fix

[Gerrit Code Review] tools: manage-domains: have it respect runtime and buildtime configuration

[Allon Mureinik] core: Move animal-sniffer to pluginManagement

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: adding comments to exclude filter xml files

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: remove duplicate ignore from filter

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: using SimpleDateFormat as static field is not thread safe

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: assigned value never used

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Added null check at couple of places

[Gerrit Code Review] engine:Gluster hook entity related entries

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Fixing NPE in sync for empty cluster

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Corrected the event log to show old value

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Gluster hook content query

[Alon Bar-Lev] tools: engine-config: have it respect runtime and build time configuration

[Gerrit Code Review] userportal,webadmin: cleanup Frontend

[Gerrit Code Review] userportal, webadmin: manual refresh stuck at loading.

[Alexander Wels] webadmin: show subtab after reveal

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: fixed interaction in AIO for engine-setup-2

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: do not attempt to disable service in development mode

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Fix RunOnce from a CD-ROM

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: fix gluster hook mapping

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: added summary to engine-cleanup-2

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: edit inactive when VM is running

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: backup database before clearing

[Allon Mureinik] core: rename methods in DiskImage

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: added FQDN validation to engine-setup-2

[Gerrit Code Review] core: VmReplicateDiskFinish on SyncImageData failure

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: align Path field in NfsStorage dialog

[Gerrit Code Review] core: reduce compensation scope from hibernate command

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Removing template with disks ends with unused data in the db

[Allon Mureinik] core: Removed unused Disk and LunDisk c'tors

[Gerrit Code Review] userportal, webadmin: change wording of hover message for Ctrl-Alt-Del passing

[Gerrit Code Review] core: introduce VM status PrepareForHibernate

[Mike Kolesnik] core: Added Provider class

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added provider table & DAO

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added provider CRUD operations

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added ability to query provider by name

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Add validations to provider commands

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added audit logging to provider commands

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Command for testing provider connectivity

[Mike Kolesnik] core: Added provider specific errors

[Martin Betak] webadmin: GUI support for setting the new VmPool.maxAssignedVmsPerUser property

[Allon Mureinik] core: setStorage once in AddSanStorageDomainCommand

[Allon Mureinik] core: Removed unused parameter classes

[Allon Mureinik] core: FQCN imports in the compat package

[Allon Mureinik] core: FQCN imports in action parameter classes

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Remove GetAllVmSnapshotsByDriveReturnValue

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove Unused query parameters

[Allon Mureinik] core: FQCN imports in query parameter classes

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove IUserHanlder

[Allon Mureinik] core: FQCN imports in the common project

[Allon Mureinik] core: FQCN imports in the utils project

[Allon Mureinik] core: Removed user_action_map

[Allon Mureinik] core: FQCN imports in the dal project

[Allon Mureinik] core: FQCN imports in the scheduler project

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove RunVmHyperChannelCommand

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove ResetVDSCommand

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove HSMGetTaskInfoVDSCommand

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove ValidateStorageDomainVDSCommand

[Allon Mureinik] core: Removed GetDeviceInfoVDSCommand

[Allon Mureinik] core: Removed SetImageDescriptionVDSCommand

[Allon Mureinik] core: Removed SPMGetTaskStatusVDSCommand

[Allon Mureinik] core: FQCN imports in the vdsbroker project

[Allon Mureinik] core: FQCN imports in the searchbackend project

[Allon Mureinik] core: FQCN imports in the bll project

[Allon Mureinik] restapi: FQCN imports in the jaxrs project

[Allon Mureinik] restapi: FQCN imports in the types project

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Forbid star imports

[Arik Hadas] core: lock the vds manager while calling hibernate verb

[Gerrit Code Review] frontend: support for PrepareForHibernation status

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: fix typo in variable name

[Gerrit Code Review] dal: tests: remove the redundant escaped connection url

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: returning local variable that is not written

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: Random object should be used more then once for better random

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: use platform specific line separator for String.Format

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: use valueOf instead of number constructor

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: doc: document dao tests

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: import dialog doesnt open

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: import vm - fix SD selection

[Einav Cohen] userportal,webadmin: Change remove message

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: Removed obsolete add_fn_db_get_async_tasks_function.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: cleanup warnings

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: domain validation changes

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Change sp name for hook content read

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: Gluster hooks - view content popup

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: gluster services - NFS and SHD only

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Disallow moving SD to maintanance if there are async tasks

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: SyntaxChecker cleanup

[Gilad Chaplik] core: Fix unauthorized move-disk

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: ignore: added ignore missing break in switch-case

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: reference comparison of const value instead of long value

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: private method is never called

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Add space in log before printing the word 'Task'.

[Laszlo Hornyak] engine: cleanup RedirectServlet (1/N)

[Laszlo Hornyak] engine: cleanup RedirectServlet (2/N)

[Laszlo Hornyak] engine: cleanup RedirectServlet (3/N)

[Laszlo Hornyak] engine: cleanup RedirectServlet (5/N)

[Laszlo Hornyak] engine: cleanup RedirectServlet (6/N)

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: fixed memory requirements validation

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Add rename logging for providers

[Gerrit Code Review] engine:VDS command to update hook content

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: allow interactive NFS exports cleanup

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: moving environment plugin to common

[Kanagaraj M] engine : Added GetGlusterHookById query

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Update gluster hook content during sync

[Vojtech Szocs] webadmin: Fix missing sub tab panel

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Generify & IoC provider proxy factory

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: fix otopi implementation version locking handling

[Frantisek Kobzik] frontend: Small changes in spice descriptor generating

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: increase ram in blank template

[Gerrit Code Review] core: handle failed import of template

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: allow interactive PKI cleanup

[Sandro Bonazzola] packaging: setup: cleaning up ISO domain directory

[Allon Mureinik] core: remove spec field in StorageServerConnections

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: setup: fixup pki usage of uninstall

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: change mVerbs to Set (2/N)

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: remove lazy-initialization from SearchObjects (3/N)

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: renamed InitQueryData to initQueryData (4/N)

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: rename QueryData2 to QueryData (5/N)

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: import java.util (6/N)

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: make QueryData immutable (7/N)

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove unused IImagesHandler interface

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove unused IQueriesHandler interface

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Avoid lower-case l

[Gerrit Code Review] core: GetAllDisksByVmIdQuery - proper list copying

[Doron Fediuck] engine: watchdog - DB and logic changes

[Doron Fediuck] engine: watchdog - frontend

[Allon Mureinik] core: Fix L literals in VdsUpdateRunTimeInfoTest

[Gerrit Code Review] core: remove SearchReturnValue

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Add, remove gluster hooks VDS commands

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Refactored gluster hook command tests

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: class overrides equals, but does not override hashCode

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: Non serializable field in serializable class

[Shireesh Anjal] gluster: Sync gluster service statuses

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: Updated otopi for fully automated execution

[Kanagaraj M] gluster: fix forwarding vdsm errors

[Gerrit Code Review] core: add destination sd to CopyImageVDSCommand log

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Check all attached VMs when updating shared disk boot flag

[Shahar Havivi] Remove double.doubleToLongBits from VM.hashCode

[Allon Mureinik] core: Fix test break in UpdateVmDisksCommandTest

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Re-ordering validations at create snapshot command.

[Alon Bar-Lev] doc: document dao database upgrade

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Avoid empty statements

[Daniel Erez] core: Fix NPE in LiveMigrateVmDisksCommand

[Gerrit Code Review] fndbugs: method contains a redundant check of a null value

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: ignore: Redundant null check from getConfigValue

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: Redundant nullcheck of value known to be non null

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: clone does not call super clone method

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: fixed cpu validation

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: fixed uninstall UX

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: separate pki config and keys groups

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: fix failure of cleaning database

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: align path field in local storage dialog

[Shahar Havivi] Remove VDS super.clone method

[Einav Cohen] webadmin,root: Prevent JSESSIONID cookie for root path

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi : Cookies are being set even when not using persistent authentication

[Gerrit Code Review] foreman integration - showing foreman hosts in new host dialog

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: check that the returned pmOptions are not null

[Gerrit Code Review] add and use GetProvidersByType

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Network Provider main tab

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Added functionality to Providers tab

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Provider main tab immediate refresh

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Houskeeping in Provider main tab and popup

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Added edit button in Providers tab

[Oved Ourfali] webadmin: Added validation to ProviderModel

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Added confirmation window for Remove Providers

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Revamped Provider/General subtab

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Added UI provision for ProviderType

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Added authentication fields to Provider popup

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Added connectivity test to provider popup

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Moved network lines in SearchBackend.gwt.xml

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Added Data Centers node in system tree

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi : storage_format option doesn't exists in 'add storagedomain' options

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi : --parent-tag-id|name options doesn't exists in 'add tag' options

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Added Providers to system tree

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: comparing two different types

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: ignore: add ignore for super.clone from VDS.clone method

[Lior Vernia] core: Fixed typo in variable name

[Vojtech Szocs] webadmin,root: Control scope of cookies in root webapp

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: hide refresh triangle icon on sub-tabs

[Vojtech Szocs] root: Fix SplashServletTest

[Allon Mureinik] core: Compensate to unknown status to avoid rollback to active status.

[Gerrit Code Review] Add support for OpenLDAP as domain provider

[Gerrit Code Review] Validate installed host by requesting for vdsm uuid

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Allow to create template from scratch

[Frantisek Kobzik] engine: Add non-plugin RDP invocation

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: unused local variables

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: Remove method that is never called

[Allon Mureinik] core, webadmin: Move VmValidationUtils

[Allon Mureinik] core: set action msg for ForceRemoveStorageDomain

[Allon Mureinik] core: improve CDA of AddStorageServerConnection

[Daniel Erez] userportal,webadmin: uicommon cleanup

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Fixed potential NPE in URI

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: gluster mode - show cluster comp version

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: Updated fkvalidator SP to drop function before recreating

[Allon Mureinik] core: No Search for isVmTemlateWithSameNameExist

[Martin Perina] core: Prepare custom device properties support in VmPropertiesUtils

[Martin Perina] tools: Adds UserDefinedVMProperties validator to engine-config

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: fix local state dirs ownership

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: check engine version on upgrade

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: fixed uninstall files handling

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: fixup configuration preview alignment

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: fix typo

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: set ovirt-engine-remove prefix for remove log

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: cleanup: remove ununsed variable

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: ApplicationMode - fix system tree filtering

[Allon Mureinik] core: fix typos in method and variable names

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: setup: fix localstate plugin directories

[Gerrit Code Review] core: SEAT compensate - prevent IndexOutOfBounds

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Fix for BZ#967890 - enhance logging of JndiAction level in dEBUG mode

[Gerrit Code Review] core,webadmin: Renamed Repository to Data Center

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: ignore: ignore unused host variable in parse dns record

[Gerrit Code Review] Revert "engine: Fix for BZ#967890 - enhance logging of JndiAction level in dEBUG mode"

[Gerrit Code Review] userportal: Refresh stops session timeout.

[Moti Asayag] engine: Add new parameter class for CollectNetworkData

[Moti Asayag] engine: Remove mgmt network setup from host activation

[Moti Asayag] engine: Allow engine to configure management network

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Command to update gluster hook on servers

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: ignore: absolute pathname in test case

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: unsynchronized initialization of non-volatile static field

[Allon Mureinik] core: ConnectAllHostsToLun shouldn't run within transaction

[Martin Betak] webadmin: Correct timezone default in New/Edit VM dialog

[Frantisek Kobzik] engine: Integrate noVNC support

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: remove unused fields

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: ignore: findbugs complain of unused field in class.

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Fixed possible NPE in update gluster hook

[Sahina Bose] gluster: Fixed Find bug error (possible NPE)

[Allon Mureinik] core: removed limitation of get topSizeVms query

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Fix for BZ#967890 - enhance logging of JndiAction level in dEBUG mode

[Sahina Bose] gluster: Add gluster hook to missing servers

[Kanagaraj M] gluster:Remove gluster hook from servers

[Kanagaraj M] gluster: Overriding getVdsGroup in GlusterHookCommandBase

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: remove generated file from repo

[Gerrit Code Review] novnc: handle package config properly

[Gerrit Code Review] novnc: make sysv service executable

[Gerrit Code Review] novnc: fix typo in init.d directory

[Gerrit Code Review] novnc: add vim modeline

[Gerrit Code Review] novnc: support SIGTERM at websockify service

[Gerrit Code Review] novnc: use %{name} for dependency

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: hide refresh interval tool-tip on sub-tabs

[Daniel Erez] webadmin: avoid multiple failovers caused by import subtabs auto-refresh

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: novnc: fix spelling in comments

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: engine-service: support outputing log to console

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: do not fail pki backup if files are missing

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: remove obsolete and dead code

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: setup: support lexical parsing of configuration

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: toString return null

[Gerrit Code Review] pki: upgrade: do not overwrite apache certificate and key

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: fix issue with conflict of latest two independent merges

[Kanagaraj M] gluster: Reset statusconflict flag on enable/disable

[Gerrit Code Review] core: adding disk_id as a secondary order-by column

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: Disable Get Groups For Non-Admin User

[Allon Mureinik] webadmin: implicit quota defs in Common.gwt.xml

[Allon Mureinik] webadmin: Clean up Compat.gwt.xml

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove unused classes from uioverrides

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: multiplication result int when long expected

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: ignore: class does not call super.clone method

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: Random object recreated each call

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: ignore: generate GWT class get findbugs Boolean constructor warning

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: ignore: use Sytesm.exit only in appropriate places

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: Gluster Hooks - conflict resolution popup

[Alon Bar-Lev] core: ticket utils: use SecureRandom

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: inefficient use of String constructor

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Fix quota count for Template with multiple SD

[Eli Mesika] core: Power Management failed if no proxy ...

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Remove empty CDA

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Remove call to super CDA

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Remove call to super CDA(2)

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Change type and action when attaching a domain

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: Updated the order for db config updates

[Gerrit Code Review] core: fix typos in CanDoActionTestUtils

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: 'async' URL Parameter Malfunction (#957452)

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: fix file conflict when upgrading setup due to versionlock

[Ori Liel] restapi - #755579: Return proper http status for errors

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: Cluster DC id should be updateble (#966607)

[Gerrit Code Review] core: fix vm devices upgrade in 3.1

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: Running systemctl reload after service update

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Remove event subscriptions from monitored tasks

[Tal Nisan] webadmin: Added total size column to storage main tab

[Tal Nisan] webadmin: Added allocated size field in storage general sub tab

[Tal Nisan] webadmin: When creating a new storage domain, select the SPM host as default

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi : Add /applications sub-collection under vm(#926928)

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Examine response to check connectivity

[Gerrit Code Review] engine-config: Adding man page

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Added Providers to search mechanism

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove TestHelperImportVmTemplateCommand

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove DiskImageList

[Omer Frenkel] core: fix upgrade of vm_devices for 3.1

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Fix typo

[Yair Zaslavsky] core: Fix findbugs to conform to mvn 3.0

[Alona Kaplan] core: Changes type of VmDevice from String to enum

[Alona Kaplan] core: Custom properties error handling cleanup

[Alona Kaplan] core: Adds custom properties to VmDevice

[Alona Kaplan] core: Adds custom properties to VmNetworkInterface

[Alona Kaplan] webadmin: adding custom properties to vnic dialog

[Alona Kaplan] restapi: adding custom properties to vm interface

[Roy Golan] core: fix typo in GetDefaultTimeZone

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi:  Cannot remove custom properties from a vm

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: resultSet is not close after use

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: inaccurate floating point comparison

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: Unwritten public fields

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: multiple gateways

[Gerrit Code Review] novnc: no need to raise terminate exception on termination

[Gerrit Code Review] novnc: cleanup defaults file

[Gerrit Code Review] novnc: log file is actually trace file

[Gerrit Code Review] novnc: override get_target instead of new_client

[Gerrit Code Review] novnc: use service debug instead of configuration

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: service: add debug when module returns

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Multiple gateways test failure fixed

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Make GUID encoders singletons

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: fix for inaccurate floating point comparison

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: RSDL rename power_management.user_name-->username (#969097)

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: RSDL Missing 'fence_type' param - #969797

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi : memory_policy-guaranteed option doesn't exists in 'add vm' autocompletion

[Moti Asayag] engine: Use NetworkUtils.getEngineNetwork where possible

[Moti Asayag] engine: Some network cleanups

[Allon Mureinik] core: rename methods to start with lowercase

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: ignore: Log interface should not be the same as the implemented class name

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: ignore Unwritten public fields

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: remove unread fields

[Gerrit Code Review] core: add memory snapshot feature support

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: remove unread public or protected fields

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: ignore: Unread public-protected fields

[Gerrit Code Review] core: add memory volume to snapshot entity

[Gerrit Code Review] core: add memory snapshots capability to VdsBroker

[Gerrit Code Review] core: extract general code from HibernateVmCommand

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi : format option doesn't exists in 'remove storagedomain'

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: Constants: dont use class name as the same as the class you implement

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: Messages: dont use class name as the same as the class you implement

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: ignore: Load of known null value

[Oved Ourfali] Support SSL providers

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: method may pass null to method that cant get null value

[Allon Mureinik] core : update of bootable disk

[Tomas Jelinek] userportal,webadmin: some params on make template ignored

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: ignore: class name is the same as it super class

[Sahina Bose] gluster: Bll command to refresh gluster hooks in engine

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Changed xml key for hook mimetype

[Gerrit Code Review] tools: expose GlusterRefreshRateHooks in engine-config

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Hide checkbox in reinit dc with no SDs

[Gerrit Code Review] resatpi: Wrong Links In Group (#967547)

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: Error Messages - Missing Categories

[Allon Mureinik] core: rename methods to start with lowercase

[Ori Liel] restapi: RSDL Remove Double VmPools URL

[Kanagaraj M] engine: updating GlusterService entities and enum

[Kanagaraj M] gluster: Added queries for service list

[Kanagaraj M] gluster: Added query for gluster cluster service

[Gerrit Code Review] fontend: Correct host list on New Storage Domain creation

[Gerrit Code Review] tools: Fixes warning message in engine-manage-domains

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: add gateway to edit network from setup networks dialog

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Fix unit tests that were broken by multiple gateways

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: support older psycopg2

[Gerrit Code Review] pki: exit SignReq with error if invalid usage

[Gerrit Code Review] pki: subject is actually optional

[Gerrit Code Review] pki: always reset ca db owner after signature

[Gerrit Code Review] pki: support umask 0077

[Gerrit Code Review] pki: remove AIA extension from root certificate

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: support non standard umask

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: service: cleanup: remove unused member

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: service: base class should not contain ENGINE

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: service: preserve log handler

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: service: modify PATH to include /sbin /bin

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: services: fixup debug call

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: service: logger is part of the interface, remove _

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Add snapshot validation on preview

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: Updating post upgrade instructions

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Add log when task could not end action.

[Daniel Erez] webadmin: error label in reinit datacenter dialog

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: watchdog device fix

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: fix Configure dialog styles

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: disable Move disk button for stateless VM

[Vojtech Szocs] userportal, webadmin: branding support.

[Gerrit Code Review] core: LiveMigrateVmDisks validation for stateless VMs

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: adding 4.11 to SupportedVDSMVersions config

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Failed at submitEventSync with CancellationException (#918026)

[Shubhendu Tripathi] gluster: VDS comand for start/stop of services

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Propagate ldap query error properly to UI

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: Consider making the field static

[Shubhendu Tripathi] gluster: bll command to start/stop/restart service

[Shubhendu Tripathi] gluster: SP to update gluster server service

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: static field should be final

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: Suspicious reference comparison of Boolean values

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: User who has manipulate_permissions can't see other users

[Shahar Havivi] findbugs: Change class name from MediaType to ApiMediaType

[Gerrit Code Review] userportal: Long text in console banner

[Gerrit Code Review] doc: update dependencies required for devenv

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: support customization of default jboss home

[Gerrit Code Review] frontend: Make adding (virtio-)console to virtual machines optional

[Frantisek Kobzik] Revert "frontend: Make adding (virtio-)console to virtual machines optional"

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: convert to double on integer values before casting them

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: method may fail to close resource

[Gerrit Code Review] pki: scripts rework

[Vojtech Szocs] userportal,webadmin: Fix failing unit tests

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: edit path for localstorage

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: Added VmPool.max_assigned_vms_per_user

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: make Capabilities::BaseResources in sake of compliance with cross api collection pattern

[Gerrit Code Review] core: save memory state on live snapshot with memory

[Vojtech Szocs] userportal,webadmin: Fix behavior unsupported locale

[Einav Cohen] doc: branding: remove comment of unsupported development environment

[Einav Cohen] build: add gwt-debug target

[Moti Asayag] install-dev: Fix typo in README.developer

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Remove Guid query parameters containers

[Allon Mureinik] core: Don't use IsVmWithSameNameExistsQuery in BE

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Remove name query parameters containers

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: Loaded null value of local variables

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: ignore: Transient field is not set by deserialization

[Vojtech Szocs] webadmin,userportal: Fix CommonModel search string regression

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Added canDoAction checks in case of gluster host removal

[Laszlo Hornyak] fix for I35852738d60af36ca4f44a175e2c4f8523148732

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: use entrySet iteration instead of keySet

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Fix NPE in VmModelBehaviorBase

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: dont use static filed as public

Changes for Build #3753
[Shubhendu Tripathi] gluster: Corrected cluster service status value

Changes for Build #3754
[Sahina Bose] gluster: Added missing messages for gluster hooks

Changes for Build #3755
[Gerrit Code Review] build: enhance gwt-debug target

Changes for Build #3756
[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: build: gwt draft build support

Changes for Build #3757
[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: Correcting nfs service (nfs-server) name for Fedora

Changes for Build #3758

Changes for Build #3759
[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: reuse command creation in StorageListModel

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: reuse updateStorageDomain in StorageListModel

[Liron Aravot] core: move image group command

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: reuse code in StorageListModel

[Gerrit Code Review] Fixing a bug preventing daemons from regaining DB connectivity

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: Hook ID Comparison - minor code fix

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi : host_id" and "host_name" are not on the autocompletion list for 'update storagedomain' (#966661)

[Gerrit Code Review] core: RegisterDiskCommand - correct storage domain

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: fix incorrect compare of different object types

[Gerrit Code Review] core: remove memory image on remove snapshot

[Gerrit Code Review] core: memory state handling on preview/commit/undo

[Gerrit Code Review] core: restore memory from snapshot on run vm

[Gerrit Code Review] core: cleanup CreateVmVDSCommand

[Tal Nisan] webadmin: Fix disk allocation on new VM/Template

[Kanagaraj M] gluster: renamed RefreshGlusterHook action

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: gluster hooks - sync with servers action

[Kanagaraj M] engine: fix gluster hook conten-type detection

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: host gluster-swift sub tab

[Gerrit Code Review] engine:Fixed FK violation on update of gluster event names

[Gerrit Code Review] core: remove memory snapshot when its not needed

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: increase blank template memory size

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi : during deleting disk an error in log “Could not find sub-resource in the collection resource"

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: Suspicious reference comparison of Boolean values

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: handle a yum error when no groups

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Save VDSM information about HBA devices

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Correct event log message for sync job

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: hide DC in Clusters tab in gluster-only mode

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: change path of console descriptors

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi : call to show files on iso domain no longer shows all files

[Allon Mureinik] core: avoid unneeded lock when moving a disk

[Allon Mureinik] core: OvfReader- setPlugged for disks

[Allon Mureinik] core: avoid NPE in AttachDiskToVmCommand

[Frantisek Kobzik] frontend: Slightly improve memory size unit relabeling

[Sahina Bose] gluster: Resolve conflict for gluster hook content

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Manage OS properties in a repository

[Oved Ourfali] Add new column to audit_log SQL table for stack trace

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Introduce scheduling package

[Gerrit Code Review] core: remove vdsSelector CheckDestinationFirst

[Gerrit Code Review] core: VdsSelector: remove method used only once

[Gerrit Code Review] core: VdsSelector: remove method used only once

[Gerrit Code Review] core: VdsSelector: remove method used only once

[Gerrit Code Review] core: VdsSelector: remove method used only once

[Gerrit Code Review] core: new AuditLogTypes for force removal of storage pool.

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi : Update of power management via cli ignored(#959879)

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: manage gluster swift services

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: log rotate

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: build: split all-dev out of install-dev

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: build: move BUILD_TEST_FLAGS to BUILD_UT

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: build: rename xxx_DEV to DEV_xxx

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: build: rework use of build flags

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: build: move all customization vars to makefile prefix

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: setup: move setup related files out of versionlock

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: build: quote everything

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: build: fix install file modes

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: move packaging/etc/pki to packaging/pki

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: move packaging/man->packaging/man/man8

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: fix pep8 issues

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: build: remove unused directories

[Allon Mureinik] core: add check for iqn in addStorageServerConn

[Allon Mureinik] core: add validation non empty connection field

[Allon Mureinik] core: add canDoAction to remove storage connection

[Allon Mureinik] core: move images handling  methods to ImagesHandler

[Sahina Bose] engine:Delete action version map entry for remove gluster server

[Gerrit Code Review] engine:Gluster events added to event_map

[Gerrit Code Review] history: change minimal etl version to 3.3.0

[Frantisek Kobzik] engine: GMT timezone for linux vms

[Vojtech Szocs] webadmin,userportal: Add gwtdraft profile

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Unable to restore from 3.1 LogCollector...

[Vojtech Szocs] doc: developer: gwt fixups

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Users manage event tree view crash

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: enforcing Apache proxy on new install

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: force Apache proxy on upgrade

[Mooli Tayer] core: replace the word Weird with Unexpected in log

[Daniel Erez] core: introducing virtio-scsi support

[Daniel Erez] restapi: introducing virtio-scsi support

[Daniel Erez] webadmin: introducing virtio-scsi support

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Enable Infinispan dependencies

[Tomas Jelinek] userportal,webadmin: redesign of vm related dialogs

[Tomas Jelinek] userportal,webadmin: add advanced mode support for VM dialogs

[Tomas Jelinek] userportal,webadmin: type ahead list box

[Tomas Jelinek] userportal,webadmin: redesign of vm related dialogs

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: add comment field to DataCenter [1]

[Vojtech Szocs] userportal,webadmin: expose branding manager to backend

[Vojtech Szocs] userportal,webadmin: fix filepath issue in branding path

[Vojtech Szocs] userportal,webadmin: fix LocaleFilter

[Vojtech Szocs] userportal,webadmin: Customized parameterized messages

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Underscores in tag names break tags

[Gerrit Code Review] Notification service should send a notification when Database is down.

[Gerrit Code Review] core: audit log - use hypervisor and not ovirt-node

[Gerrit Code Review] core : Automatic logout does not always happen as per UserSessionTimeOutInterval value

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Add snapshot validation for empty guid.

[Allon Mureinik] core: add validation to AddStorageServerConnection

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Added the quota to the Pool-general subtab

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Disable select quota on edit vm-pool

[Gerrit Code Review] core: add the openstack dependency

[Gerrit Code Review] findbugs: adding category ignore list

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Consolidated move & copy disk availability checks

[Gerrit Code Review] core: cleanup in CommandBase

[Gerrit Code Review] filling the call stack in the audit log

[Gerrit Code Review] core: fix for locks not being released in sync commands

[Allon Mureinik] core: RegisterDiskCommand - fix and refactor CDA

[Gerrit Code Review] core: AddVmFromSnapshot - permissions check on target SDs

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Fix NPE in DiskListModel

[Roy Golan] core: Use OS repository instead of VmOsType

[Gerrit Code Review] branding: use branding package for restapi

[Gerrit Code Review] core: fixed failed AddDiskToVmCommandTest

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: removing In-Use column from LUNs tables

[Roy Golan] tools: Set default timezone using engine-config

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added provider custom properties

[Mike Kolesnik] core: Add provider additional properties

[Mike Kolesnik] core: Add ProviderNetwork class

[Mike Kolesnik] core: Add providedBy field to Network

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added network provider proxy API

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added provider name to NetworkView

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Add OpenStack Network dependency

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added 'OpenStack Network' provider proxy

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added query for all networks from provider

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added query for external networks on provider

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added device runtime custom properties

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added provider network for run & stop VM

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Add support for vNICs in OpenstackNetwork

[Mike Kolesnik] core: Added label to Network class

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Add command to add network on provider

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Map VLAN & label to network

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added checks for external networks

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added checks for external network on cluster

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added check that provider networks unused

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Added check for external network + port mirroring

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Validations for exported external network

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Block hot updating external networks

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Block external networks in Setup Networks

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Block external network for legacy network commands

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Add keystone support in Openstack Network

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Allow non auth provider to add network

[Mike Kolesnik] engine: Add OpenStack Net support to vNIC hotplug

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: NPE on PoolListModel

[Tomas Jelinek] userportal,webadmin: adjustments of the VM based dialogs

[Liron Aravot] core: adding OvfHelper

[Gerrit Code Review] core: dos2unix VdsmErrors.properties

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: refactored host/cluster general tab mode checks

[Yaniv Dary] history: added vm's client ip to dwh views (#873790)

[Kanagaraj M] engine: include VdsGroup virt, gluster flags in VDS entity

[Gerrit Code Review] core: fix method names

[Gilad Chaplik] core: refactoring VdsSelector API

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: add "action" to otopi environment

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Introducing Batch updates to DAOs

[Oved Ourfali] findbugs - check for null on a already dereferenced variable

[Gerrit Code Review] core: RemoveDiskParameters - don't use Entity ID

[Laszlo Hornyak] engine: checkstyle enabled in tools project

[Laszlo Hornyak] engine: simplify AppConfig

[Laszlo Hornyak] engine: remove single default constructor

[Laszlo Hornyak] engine: remove unused constants and variables

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: hide PM alert for gluster host

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: hide gluster-swift tab for non-gluster hosts

[Allon Mureinik] userportal,webadmin: Remove Java 7 construct in Frontend

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Adding batch procedure call test to excludes part

[Daniel Erez] restapi: a potential NPE when a user invokes actions

[Daniel Erez] userportal,webadmin: BrandingManager fails with missing etcdir

[Gerrit Code Review] core: func to delete all versions of a config val

[Tomas Jelinek] frontend: Fixed NPE on new pool dialog

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: Log setup/cleanup/upgrade actions

[Gerrit Code Review] core: osinfo - Fix Unassigned conversion to UNASSIGNED

[Roy Golan] restapi: Remove Mockito from Tests

[Gerrit Code Review] branding: remove ovirt suffix from files

[Alon Bar-Lev] utils: introduce EngineSSHClient wrapper

[Allon Mureinik] core: update storage connection without a domain

[Gerrit Code Review] pki: use local lock file

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: remove dead code

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0000_add_schema_version.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0010_add_group_ids_to_users.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0030_change_storage_format_type_to_str.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0040_change_vm_dynamic_vm_ip_type.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0050_make_blank_template_pulic.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0060_add_group_everyone.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0100_add_device_size_to_luns.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0120_add_update_date_to_vm_templates.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0130_change_dwh_history_timekeeping_date_type.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0150_update_roles.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0180_add_guest_disk_size.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0190_add_latency_vm_disks.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0220_add_MaxAuditLogMessageLength_to_config.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0260_change_app_list_type_to_text.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0270_change_users_group_ids_field_to_text.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0280_change_blank_template_default_display_type_to_spice.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0300_add_local_admin_user.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0330_add_configuration_action_group_to_super_user_role.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0360_upgrade_default_vds_group_thp.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0380_add_otp_validity_to_vds_static.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0410_add_disks_usage.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0420_encrypt_pm_passwd.sh

[Gerrit Code Review] core: squash 03_00_0430_update_locked_status_to_ok.sql

[Gerrit Code Review] utils: ServletUtils: support ETag for static content

[Gerrit Code Review] root: FileServlet: remove unneeded code

[Gerrit Code Review] tools: Enable editing of maximum memory size of vm

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Improve error msg in vdsmErrors.properties

[Allon Mureinik] core: display eventName when registration failed

[Gerrit Code Review] db: remove unused jdbc.properties

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: move backend/manager/dbscripts->packaging/dbscripts

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: introducing RefreshHostCapabilitiesCommand

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: Add refresh capabilities button to hosts main tab

[Omer Frenkel] core: remove vmType related logic

[Gerrit Code Review] pki: introduce the EngineEncryptionUtils

[Gerrit Code Review] Adding query for fetching ssh pubic key

[Gerrit Code Review] core: [RFE] More informative message in event when a VM started in Paused Mode

[Gerrit Code Review] core: organize AddVmCommand#canDoAction

[Gerrit Code Review] core: extract parameters initialization to seperate method

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Adds config of SSH Soft Fencing command

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: build: fix make rpm target

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: spec: keep version at base package to avoid versionlock conflict

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: build: do not use maven deploy

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: make ovirt-engine-log-setup-event.sh executable

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: build: simplify plain files installation

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: Updated the nfs service name usage

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: Updated cleanup to work in python2.6

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: support older psql-8 and older psycopg2

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: make sure iso domain questions are within right section

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: do not use with tarfile

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: pep8 cleanups

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: fix spelling

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: fix ssl configuration

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: disable log setup event in developer mode

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: provide 10-setup-jboss.conf

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: allow upgrade with 3.0 compatibility level

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: added postinstall file creation

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: avoid answered questions on update

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Add batch update capability to MassOperationsDao

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Corrected the event log message

[Shubhendu Tripathi] gluster: Show host name also on action on services

[Shubhendu Tripathi] gluster: Shown command and server name in evt log

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: Fix storage_format_type default value

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster: Host state change event log msg corrected

[Shubhendu Tripathi] gluster: Matrix for cluster level swift status

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: add Force parameter to GET .../hosts/{host:id}

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Fixed validation when moving host to gluster cluster

[Sandro Bonazzola] packaging: setup: ovirt-engine-setup.conf path for developers

[Gerrit Code Review] userportal,webadmin: unify new server/desktop to newVm

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: Fix NPE in cluster gluster services view

[Gerrit Code Review] frontend: fix findbugs issue

[Gerrit Code Review] Adding useDefaultKeyPair implementation to EngineSSHDialog

[Alon Bar-Lev] packaging: build: handle multiple files in exclude of recursive copy

[Vojtech Szocs] webadmin: Improve UI Plugin tab API

[Vojtech Szocs] webadmin: PluginResourceServlet: remove unneeded code

[Gerrit Code Review] Core: Changing EntityMapSqlMapper

[Gerrit Code Review] tools: Adds tests of argument values in engine-manage-domains

[Allon Mureinik] core: Return source string if blank is passed

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove Guid.OpEquals(Guid, Guid)

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Don't use createGuidFromString on literals

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Unify Guid and NGuid

[Allon Mureinik] core: Organize Guid's methods

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Remove Guid.getValue()

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove GuidUtils.getGuidValue(Guid)

[Allon Mureinik] restapi: Remove BaseBackendResource.asGuid(Guid)

[Allon Mureinik] core: Unwrap else blocks in Guid

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Renamed Guid.NewGuid() to Guid.newGuid()

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Deprecate new Guid()

[Allon Mureinik] core: Fix Guid's members modifiers

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove Guid.EMPTY_GUID_VALUE

[Allon Mureinik] core: Rename Guid.AddLeadingZero

[Allon Mureinik] core: Cleanup Guid(byte[], boolean)

[Allon Mureinik] core: Cleanup Guid.toString()

[Allon Mureinik] core: Consolidate Guid.createFromStringXXX impl

[Allon Mureinik] core: Fix modifiers of getStrRepresentationOfGuid

[Gerrit Code Review] core: VmBase - remove final keyword from diskList

[Gerrit Code Review] core: organize VDSReturnValue class

[Gerrit Code Review] core: organize RemoveDiskCommand#canRemoveTemplateDisk

[Gerrit Code Review] core: cleanup RemoveVmTemplateCommand#canDoAction

[Gerrit Code Review] core: organize RemoveDiskCommand#getSharedLocks()

[Arik Hadas] core: organize can-do methods

[Arik Hadas] core: remove read lock of template being exported - cont

[Gerrit Code Review] core: fix for memory being removed from stateless snapshot

[Allon Mureinik] providers: add the onAddition and onRemoval hooks

[Allon Mureinik] core: add lock of storage conn id to edit/rmv conn

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove ObjectStream Serializer/Deserializer

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Introducing Nameable Comparator

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Remove Linq.VdsGroupByNameComparer

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Remove Linq.StorageDomainByNameComparer

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Remove Linq.StoragePoolByNameComparer

[Allon Mureinik] engine: Remove Linq.VmAndPoolByNameComparer

[Allon Mureinik] webadmin: Remove Linq.CaseInsensitiveComparer

[Allon Mureinik] webadmin: Remove Linq.sort(Collection, Comparator)

[Allon Mureinik] webadmin: Remove commented out block from Linq

[Allon Mureinik] webadmin: Clean up RpmVersion comparing

[Allon Mureinik] webadmin: Remove Linq.orderByDescending(List)

[Allon Mureinik] webadmin: Linq.orderByDescending(List, Comparator)

[Allon Mureinik] webadmin: Added serialVersionUUID to Linq

[Allon Mureinik] webadmin: Remove redundant parens in Linq

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: fix displaying binary gluster hook

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: fix system-tree navigation for gluster volumes

[Kanagaraj M] webadmin: disable resizing hook content textarea

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Restrict networks visibility

[Eli Mesika] core: [db] include version in exportDbSchema.sh...

[Tomas Jelinek] engine: pooled VMs was not sysprepped

[Tomas Jelinek] webadmin, userportal: logical network editor

[Gerrit Code Review] core: fix removing snapshot's memory on remove vm

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Added provided object types to ProviderType

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Added isExternal() method to Network

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Added search for Network by Provider name

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Slight improvements to LexoNumericComparator

[Kanagaraj M] engine: fetch gluster host uuid during InitVdsOnUp

[Gerrit Code Review] core: prevent HA VM from being non-migratable

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: mutually exclude HA and non-migratable in UI

[Shubhendu Tripathi] gluster: Gluster Sync job event log corrected

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove final members from common package

[Allon Mureinik] build: checkstyle to disallow final members

[Gerrit Code Review] frontend: Make VNC implementation configurable from UI

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Fix host approval audit log message

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: Actions ignored when async=true (#966053)

[Allon Mureinik] core: add the image block alignment scan

[Allon Mureinik] webadmin: add the image block alignment scan

[Allon Mureinik] webadmin: use RepoImage items in SubTabStorageIso

[Kanagaraj M] engine: sorting gluster volume options

[Roy Golan] core: Add supportedEmulatedMachines to Host model cluster

[Roy Golan] core: add clusterEmulatedMachines config values

[Roy Golan] core: Add new NonOperational reason for cluster emulation mode

[Roy Golan] core: cluster emulation mode - add procedure to set emulatedMachine

[Roy Golan] core: fix upgrade script version

[Roy Golan] core: expand VDS monitoring with cluster emulation modes

[Roy Golan] core: Use the cluster emulated machine to run a VM

[Roy Golan] webadmin: Show the emulated machine of a cluster

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: use firewalld implementation of otopi

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: refactored cpu validation

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: support package upgrade

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: supress log of apache key

[Kanagaraj M] gluster: Correct swift status display for UNKNOWN

[Kanagaraj M] gluster: Host detach case sync message corrected

[Kanagaraj M] gluster: Corrected event log msg for add brick

[Kanagaraj M] gluster: Corrected service sync job event log msg

[Kanagaraj M] gluster: Corrected class name for logging purpose

[Frantisek Kobzik] frontend: null check in setSelectedVncImpl

[Gerrit Code Review] pki: re-create truststore during upgrade

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: stop notifier when systemd

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: db backup in summary

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: added upgrade from legacy plugins

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: spec: update maven depmap

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: support VLAN  network interfaces

[Allon Mureinik] core: avoid having LOCKED domain on a failed reconstruct.

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Introducing VdsValidator class

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Adds SSH Soft Fencing capability

[Gerrit Code Review] gluster:Use uid check while sync from CLI

[Gerrit Code Review] core: avoid NPE on RemoveDiskCommand (floating disk)

[Arik Hadas] frontend: show templates according to selected cluster

[Shubhendu Tripathi] gluster: Corrected conflict in LocalizedEnums

[Yair Zaslavsky] 1. core: Add createAction and runAction(commandBase) methods

[Yair Zaslavsky] 2. core : Distingushing between entity and vdsm task ids

[Yair Zaslavsky] 3. core : Persist AsyncTask before submitting to vdsm

[Yair Zaslavsky] 4. core: Fail tasks that dont have Vdsm Id

[Yair Zaslavsky] 5. core: Fix variable names in VdcReturnValueBase

[Yair Zaslavsky] 6. core: Persist all async task placeholders

[Yair Zaslavsky] 7. core : Change AddVmTemplateCommand

[Yair Zaslavsky] 8. core: Change CreateAllSnapshotsFromVmCommand to persist all placeholders

[Yair Zaslavsky] 9. core : Change HibernateVmCommand to persist all placeholders

[Yair Zaslavsky] 10. core: adding root command id

[Yair Zaslavsky] 11. core: Adding the ability to get async tasks by entity id

[Yair Zaslavsky] 12. core: SPMAsyncTask - change from associatedEntities + single type to map

[Yair Zaslavsky] 13. core: Introducing EntityInfo class

[Yair Zaslavsky] 14. core: Introducing "end command coordination" by command Id

[Yair Zaslavsky] 15. core: Further cleanup for for end of command coordination

[Yair Zaslavsky] 16. core : Handle incomplete tasks on server restart

[Sahina Bose] gluster:Support Striped_replicate volume types

[Gerrit Code Review] utils: enable UT for EngineLocalConfig

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Add list behaviour for ClusterEmulatedMachines

[Kanagaraj M] engine: disable fencing for gluster hosts

[Martin Perina] tools: Fixes password prompt for admin user

[Gerrit Code Review] backend: Make adding (virtio-)console to virtual machines optional

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: Make EngineLock AutoClosable

[Gilad Chaplik] Expose the info about HBA devices in frontend

[Daniel Erez] webadmin: remove redundant null check in importFileSD

[Gerrit Code Review] webadmin: subscribe GetHostsForStorageOperation

[Allon Mureinik] core: Move Guid constants

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove null check from Guid.equals(Object)

[Allon Mureinik] core: Append chars instead of Strings in Guid

[Allon Mureinik] core: format DbFacadeDAOTest

[Allon Mureinik] core: Move getOrderedVmGuidsForRunMultipleActions

[Allon Mureinik] core: Move getEntityPermissions[ForUserAndGroup]

[Gerrit Code Review] engine:Trusted Compute Pools - Open Attestation integration with oVirt engine proposal

[Gerrit Code Review] wedadmin: Trusted Compute Pools - Open Attestation integration with oVirt engine proposal

[Gerrit Code Review] restapi: Trusted Compute Pools - Open Attestation integration with oVirt engine proposal

[Gerrit Code Review] tools: Trusted Compute Pools - Open Attestation integration with oVirt engine proposal

[Maor Lipchuk] core: remove auto suspend of VM.

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Remove auto suspend audit log.

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Fix log event of proxy host

[Gerrit Code Review] Backend.java: Adding RPM version on initialization

[Frantisek Kobzik] frontend: Make adding (virtio-)console to virtual machines optional

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Fix async tasks insertion to include time zone info

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Allow custom OpenStack Network plugin type

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Fixing JSON derialization of VM

[Gerrit Code Review] core: change how async tasks are persisted using TaskHandlerCommand

[Allon Mureinik] core: OpenstackNetworkProviderProperties#equals

[Allon Mureinik] core: rv GetEntityPermissionsi[ForUserAndGroups]

[Allon Mureinik] core: Remove JobIdRowMapper

[Allon Mureinik] core: Extract VmPoolMapRowMapper

[Allon Mureinik] core: Inline RolesRowMapper

[Allon Mureinik] core: Inline RoleGroupMapsRowMapper

[Allon Mureinik] core: Example: Use UUID for handling database Guids

[Allon Mureinik] core: Don't create Guid from String in DAO module

[Allon Mureinik] core: check if duplicate storage connection exists

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Adds Kerberos and LDAP errors stacktrace to engine log

[Allon Mureinik] findbugs: Remove DLS in VmStaticDAO

[Allon Mureinik] core: Fix VDS.hashCode()

[Allon Mureinik] core: Don't clone Guids in VDS.clone()

[Allon Mureinik] core: GuidUtils code formatter

[Allon Mureinik] core: GuidUtils - remove TODO

[Allon Mureinik] core: Guid.ToByteArray -> Guid.toByteArray

[Allon Mureinik] core: GuidUtils initial StringBuilder capacity

[Vojtech Szocs] webadmin: Fix postMessage listener for IE9

[Gerrit Code Review] fix path in README.developers

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Fix NPE when committing a snapshot.

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Remove irrelevant comment

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Remove unreadable comment

[Gerrit Code Review] engine: wrong logging on stateless snapshot

[Gerrit Code Review] ui: ISO domain refresh button is missing

[Alissa Bonas] core: check no running VMs use storage conn

[Maor Lipchuk] core: Rename parameter class connectStorageServer.

[Gerrit Code Review] core: Removing an outdated comment from RestoreFromSnapshot.

[Allon Mureinik] core: Improve performance of GUID constructor

[Allon Mureinik] core: Improve performance of GuidUtils.toByteArray

[Gerrit Code Review] core: remove Unassigned_64 from osinfo

[Gerrit Code Review] packaging: setup: log setup events - add otopi upgrade

[Gerrit Code Review] core: VdsNotRespondingTreatmentCommand.executeCommand cleanup

[Gerrit Code Review] core: SshSoftFencingCommand.executeCommand and logging cleanup

Changes for Build #3760

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