Jenkins job for ovirt-iso-uploader and ovirt-image-uploader

Sandro Bonazzola sbonazzo at
Wed Sep 11 06:31:36 UTC 2013

I would like to introduce a jenkins job for basic sanity testing of ovirt-iso-uploader and ovirt-image-uploader.
For covering NFS upload it will be needed an NFS share where to upload the images, writable by an user having UID and GID of 36.
For covering SSH uploads it would be needed also SSH access with a user having UID and GID of 36.
For covering upload using the domain id it would be needed a running ovirt-engine instance.

The space needed for the images may be little: sample ovf provided by ovirt-image-uploader is ~2kb and for the iso image any non empty file should be
enough. The uploaded images will be deleted by the job after running.

Is it possible for infra to provide the needed services?
Sandro Bonazzola
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