[oVirt Jenkins] ovirt-engine_3.5_find-bugs_merged - Build # 585 - Still Failing!

Jenkins ci oVirt Server jenkins at ovirt.org
Wed Sep 10 13:27:17 UTC 2014

Project: http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-engine_3.5_find-bugs_merged/ 
Build: http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-engine_3.5_find-bugs_merged/585/
Build Number: 585
Build Status:  Still Failing
Triggered By: Triggered by Gerrit: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/32753

Changes Since Last Success:
Changes for Build #573
[Ravi Nori] core :  Invalid action group identifiers in the roles_groups table

Changes for Build #574
[Yair Zaslavsky] aaa: Fix search to search properly for users by groups

Changes for Build #575
[Ravi Nori] webadmin: The scroll bar is not aligned with the Edit Role menu box

Changes for Build #576
[pkliczewski] packaging: jsonrpc version update

Changes for Build #577
[Lior Vernia] webadmin: Re-assign roles when network is detached

Changes for Build #578
[Simone Tiraboschi] packaging: setup: avoid duplicate keys in answerfile

Changes for Build #579
[Alon Bar-Lev] extmgr: raise config exception if requested extension is null

Changes for Build #580
[pkliczewski] core: optional parameter storageFormatType not sent to vdsm

Changes for Build #581
[Gilad Chaplik] common: allow spaces for affinity group desc

Changes for Build #582
[Lior Vernia] webadmin: Focus on label widget by default

Changes for Build #583
[Daniel Erez] core: explicit warning on live snapshot failure

Changes for Build #584
[Daniel Erez] webadmin: RegisterVmInfoPanel - getAppList nullity check

Changes for Build #585
[Daniel Erez] webadmin: register VM dialog - select first VM

Failed Tests:
No tests ran. 

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