[oVirt Jenkins] ovirt-engine_master_animal-sniffer_merged - Build # 8884 - Failure!

Jenkins ci oVirt Server jenkins at ovirt.org
Mon Jan 12 17:39:34 UTC 2015

Project: http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-engine_master_animal-sniffer_merged/ 
Build: http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-engine_master_animal-sniffer_merged/8884/
Build Number: 8884
Build Status:  Failure
Triggered By: Triggered by Gerrit: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/36664

Changes Since Last Success:
Changes for Build #8884
[Ravi Nori] engine : NPE when adding a VM to a VM pool when there's not enough storage

Failed Tests:
No tests ran. 

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