Lost Change in U/S gerrit: something nasty is going on

Anton Marchukov amarchuk at redhat.com
Wed Feb 24 17:12:30 UTC 2016

Hello All.

Ok. Looks like we have found an answer. The initial change was a draft and
then developer deleted it. So looks like in case of drafts they get deleted
from database permanently. Will double check it to be sure.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 5:56 PM, Anton Marchukov <amarchuk at redhat.com>

> Hello All.
> We have a potentially nasty thing happened in u/s gerrit.
> Here is what I got from msivak:
> <msivak> Gerrit-MessageType: comment
> <msivak> Gerrit-Change-Id: I1372ad145a356bdc181ba4f63987e116c6f8995b
> <msivak> Gerrit-PatchSet: 5
> <msivak> Gerrit-Project: ovirt-engine
> <msivak> Gerrit-Branch: master
> He is in reviewers for this change. But I was not able to locate in in the
> gerrit UI.
> Going to the database also did not find it:
> gerrit> select * from changes where
> change_key='I1372ad145a356bdc181ba4f63987e116c6f8995b';
>  change_key | created_on | last_updated_on | sort_key | owner_account_id |
> dest_project_name | dest_branch_name | open | status | current_patch_set_id
> | subject | topic | row_version | change_id | last_sha1_merge_tested |
> mergeable
>  -----------+------------+-----------------+----------+------------------+-------------------+------------------+------+--------+----------------------+---------+-------+-------------+-----------+------------------------+----------
> (0 rows; 1 ms)
> However looking at our backups I can confirm that indeed it was there:
> [root at gerrit database]# cat gerrit-pg-dump-20160223.sql | grep
> I1372ad145a356bdc181ba4f63987e116c6f8995b
> I1372ad145a356bdc181ba4f63987e116c6f8995b    2016-01-13 16:39:59.148-05
> 2016-01-26 09:34:56.706-05    003abf0a0000ca6a    1000070
> ovirt-engine    refs/heads/master    Y    d    3    core: Remove redundant
> equals() implementation in PendingResource subs    \N    296    51818
> 7da9fc9fb6dadf2767724237bb78131a30197c34    N
> So sounds like we lost it and it seems dangerous to me.
> I do not yet have any ideas on how this might have happen. So FYI and let
> me know if you have any ideas.
> Anton.
> --
> Anton Marchukov
> Senior Software Engineer - RHEV CI - Red Hat

Anton Marchukov
Senior Software Engineer - RHEV CI - Red Hat
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